Final Text
A. Each licensed polygraph examiner and registered polygraph examiner intern must post, in a conspicuous place for the examinee, his license or registration, or a legible copy of his license or registration to practice in Virginia.
B. The examiner shall provide the examinee with a written explanation of the provisions of 18VAC120-30-200, 18VAC120-30-210, and 18VAC120-30-220 at the beginning of each polygraph examination.
C. The examinee may request a recording of the polygraph examination being administered. Each examiner shall maintain recording equipment and recording media adequate for such recording. The examiner shall safeguard all examination recordings with the records he is required to keep pursuant to 18VAC120-30-230. All recordings shall be made available to the department, the examinee, or the examinee's attorney upon request. The examiner may charge the examinee a fee not to exceed $35 only if the examinee requests and receives a copy of an examination.
D. The examinee shall be entitled to a copy of all portions of any written report pertaining to his examination which that is prepared by the examiner and provided to any person or organization. The examinee shall make his request in writing to the examiner. The examiner shall comply within 10 business days of providing the written report to any person or organization or receiving the examinee's written request, whichever occurs later. The examiner may collect not more than $1.00 per page from the examinee for any copy provided.
E. The provisions of subsections B, C, and D of this section shall not be applicable to any examination conducted by or on behalf of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions when the examination is for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime or the enforcement of penal laws. However, examiners administering examinations as described in this section shall comply with subsection B of this section through a verbal explanation of the provisions of 18VAC120-30-210 and 18VAC120-30-220.
F. The examiner must disclose to the examinee that the examination is subject to disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).