Proposed Text
A. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them in § 54.1-2900 of the Code of Virginia:
"Occupational therapy assistant"
"Practice of occupational therapy"
B. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"ACOTE" means the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education.
"Active practice" means a minimum of 160 hours of professional practice as an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant within the 24-month period immediately preceding renewal or application for licensure, if previously licensed or certified in another jurisdiction. The active practice of occupational therapy may include supervisory, administrative, educational or consultative activities or responsibilities for the delivery of such services.
"Advisory board" means the Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy.
"Contact hour" means 60 minutes of time spent in continued learning activity.
"NBCOT" means the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, under which the national examination for certification is developed and implemented.
"National examination" means the examination prescribed by NBCOT for certification as an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant and approved for licensure in Virginia.
"Occupational therapy personnel" means appropriately trained individuals who provide occupational therapy services under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist.
A separate regulation, 18VAC85-11, Public Participation Guidelines, provides for involvement of the public in the development of all regulations of the Virginia Board of Medicine.
A. The following fees have been established by the board:
1. The initial fee for the occupational therapist license shall be $130; for the occupational therapy assistant, it shall be $70.
2. The fee for reinstatement of the occupational therapist license that has been lapsed for two years or more shall be $180; for the occupational therapy assistant, it shall be $90.
3. The fee for active license renewal for an occupational therapist shall be $135; for an occupational therapy assistant, it shall be $70. The fees for inactive license renewal shall be $70 for an occupational therapist and $35 for an occupational therapy assistant. Renewals shall be due in the birth month of the licensee in each even-numbered year. For 2020, the fee for renewal of an active license as an occupational therapist shall be $108; for an occupational therapy assistant, it shall be $54. For renewal of an inactive license in 2020, the fees shall be $54 for an occupational therapist and $28 for an occupational therapy assistant.
4. The additional fee for processing a late renewal application within one renewal cycle shall be $50 for an occupational therapist and $30 for an occupational therapy assistant.
5. The fee for a letter of good standing or verification to another jurisdiction for a license shall be $10.
6. The fee for reinstatement of licensure pursuant to § 54.1-2408.2 of the Code of Virginia shall be $2,000.
7. The handling fee for a returned check or a dishonored credit card or debit card shall be $50.
8. The fee for a duplicate license shall be $5.00, and the fee for a duplicate wall certificate shall be $15.
9. The fee for an application or for the biennial renewal of a restricted volunteer license shall be $35, due in the licensee's birth month. An additional fee for late renewal of licensure shall be $15 for each renewal cycle.
B. Unless otherwise provided, fees established by the board shall not be refundable.
An applicant for licensure shall submit the following on forms provided by the board:
1. A completed application and a fee as prescribed in 18VAC85-80-26.
2. Verification of professional education in occupational therapy as required in 18VAC85-80-40.
3. Verification of practice as required in 18VAC85-80-60 and as specified on the application form.
4. Documentation of passage of the national examination as required in 18VAC85-80-50.
5. 4. If licensed or certified in any other jurisdiction, verification that there has been no disciplinary action taken or pending in that jurisdiction.
Any occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant who does not hold a license to practice in Virginia and who seeks registration to practice under subdivision 27 of § 54.1-2901 of the Code of Virginia on a voluntary basis under the auspices of a publicly supported, all volunteer, nonprofit organization that sponsors the provision of health care to populations of underserved people shall:
1. File a complete application for registration on a form provided by the board at least five business days prior to engaging in such practice. An incomplete application will not be considered;
2. Provide a complete record of professional licensure in each state in which he has held a license and a copy of any current license;
3. Provide the name of the nonprofit organization, the dates and location of the voluntary provision of services; and
4. Pay a registration fee of $10; and
5. Provide a notarized statement from a representative of the nonprofit organization attesting to its compliance with provisions of subdivision 27 of § 54.1-2901 of the Code of Virginia.
A. In order to renew an active license biennially, a practitioner shall complete at least 20 10 contact hours of continuing learning activities as follows:
1. A minimum of 10 of the 20 hours shall be in Type 1 activities, which shall consist of an organized program of study, classroom experience, or similar educational experience that is related to a licensee's current or anticipated roles and responsibilities in occupational therapy and approved or provided by one of the following organizations or any of its components:
a. 1. Virginia Occupational Therapy Association;
b. 2. American Occupational Therapy Association;
c. 3. National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy;
d. 4. Local, state, or federal government agency;
e. 5. Regionally accredited college or university;
f. 6. Health care organization accredited by a national accrediting organization granted authority by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to assure compliance with Medicare conditions of participation; or
g. 7. An American Medical Association Category 1 Continuing Medical Education program.
2. B. No more than 10 of the 20 hours may be Type 2 activities, which may include consultation with another therapist, independent reading or research, preparation for a presentation, or other such experiences that promote continued learning. Up to two of the Type 2 continuing education hours may be satisfied through delivery of occupational therapy services, without compensation, to low-income individuals receiving services through a local health department or a free clinic organized in whole or primarily for the delivery of health services. One hour of continuing education may be credited for three hours of providing such volunteer services as documented by the health department or free clinic.
C. Up to two of the continuing education hours may be satisfied through supervision or experiences that promote the education of students. One hour of continuing education may be credited for eight hours of providing such supervision as documented by the educational institution for which supervision is performed.
B. D. A practitioner shall be exempt from the continuing competency requirements for the first biennial renewal following the date of initial licensure in Virginia.
C. E. The practitioner shall retain in his records all supporting documentation for a period of six years following the renewal of an active license.
D. The board shall periodically conduct a representative random audit of its active licensees to determine compliance. The practitioners selected for the audit shall provide all supporting documentation within 30 days of receiving notification of the audit.
E. F. Failure to comply with these requirements may subject the licensee to disciplinary action by the board.
F. G. The board may grant an extension of the deadline for continuing competency requirements for up to one year for good cause shown upon a written request from the licensee prior to the renewal date.
G. H. The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the requirements for circumstances beyond the control of the licensee, such as temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.
A. A licensed occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant who holds a current, unrestricted license in Virginia shall, upon a request on the renewal application and submission of the required fee, be issued an inactive license. The holder of an inactive license shall not be required to maintain hours of active practice or meet the continued competency requirements of 18VAC85-80-71 and shall not be entitled to perform any act requiring a license to practice occupational therapy in Virginia.
B. An inactive licensee may reactivate his license upon submission of the following:
1. An application as required by the board;
2. A payment of the difference between the current renewal fee for inactive licensure and the renewal fee for active licensure; and
3. If the license has been inactive for two to six years, documentation of having engaged in the active practice of occupational therapy or having completed a board-approved practice of 160 hours within 60 consecutive days under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist; and
4. Documentation of completed continued competency hours equal to the requirement for the number of years, not to exceed four six years, in which the license has been inactive.
C. An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant who has had an inactive license for six years or more and who has not engaged in active practice, as defined in 18VAC85-80-10, shall serve a board-approved practice of 320 hours to be completed in four consecutive months under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist provide evidence of current certification by NBCOT or retake and pass the national examination.
D. The board reserves the right to deny a request for reactivation to any licensee who has been determined to have committed an act in violation of § 54.1-2915 of the Code of Virginia or any provisions of this chapter.
A. An occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant who held an unrestricted license issued by the Virginia Board of Medicine or by a board in another state as a licensee in good standing at the time the license expired or became inactive may be issued a restricted volunteer license to practice without compensation in a clinic that is organized in whole or in part for the delivery of health care services without charge in accordance with § 54.1-106 of the Code of Virginia.
B. To be issued a restricted volunteer license, an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant shall submit an application to the board that documents compliance with requirements of § 54.1-2928.1 of the Code of Virginia and the application fee prescribed in 18VAC85-80-26.
C. The licensee who intends to continue practicing with a restricted volunteer license shall renew biennially during his birth month, meet the continued competency requirements prescribed in subsection D of this section, and pay to the board the renewal fee prescribed in 18VAC85-80-26.
D. The holder of a restricted volunteer license shall not be required to attest to hours of continuing education for the first renewal of such a license. For each renewal thereafter, the licensee shall attest to obtaining 10 5 hours of continuing education during the biennial renewal period with at least five hours of Type 1 and no more than five hours of Type 2 as specified in 18VAC85-80-71.
A. An occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant who allows his license to lapse for a period of two years or more and chooses to resume his practice shall submit a reinstatement application to the board and information on any practice and licensure or certification in other jurisdictions during the period in which the license was lapsed, and shall pay the fee for reinstatement of his licensure as prescribed in 18VAC85-80-26.
B. An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant who has allowed his license to lapse for two years but less than six years, and who has not engaged in active practice as defined in 18VAC85-80-10, shall serve a board-approved practice of 160 hours to be completed in two consecutive months under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist or more shall provide evidence of current certification by NBCOT or retake and pass the national examination.
C. An occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant who has allowed his license to lapse for six years or more, and who has not engaged in active practice, shall serve a board-approved practice of 320 hours to be completed in four consecutive months under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist.
D. C. An applicant for reinstatement shall meet the continuing competency requirements of 18VAC85-80-71 for the number of years the license has been lapsed, not to exceed four six years.
E. An occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant whose license has been revoked by the board and who wishes to be reinstated shall make a new application to the board and payment of the fee for reinstatement of his license as prescribed in 18VAC85-80-26 pursuant to § 54.1-2408.2 of the Code of Virginia.
A. An occupational therapist renders services of assessment, program planning, and therapeutic treatment upon request for such service. The practice of occupational therapy includes therapeutic use of occupations for habilitation and rehabilitation to enhance physical health, mental health, and cognitive functioning. The practice of occupational therapy may include supervisory, administrative, educational or consultative activities or responsibilities for the delivery of such services.
B. An occupational therapy assistant renders services under the supervision of an occupational therapist that do not require the clinical decision or specific knowledge, skills and judgment of a licensed occupational therapist and do not include the discretionary aspects of the initial assessment, evaluation or development of a treatment plan for a patient.
A. An occupational therapist provides assessment by determining the need for, the appropriate areas of, and the estimated extent and time of treatment. His responsibilities include an initial screening of the patient to determine need for services and the collection, evaluation and interpretation of data necessary for treatment.
B. An occupational therapist provides program planning by identifying treatment goals and the methods necessary to achieve those goals for the patient. The therapist analyzes the tasks and activities of the program, documents the progress, and coordinates the plan with other health, community or educational services, the family and the patient. The services may include but are not limited to education and training in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL); the design, fabrication, and application of orthoses (splints); the design, selection, and use of adaptive equipment and assistive technologies; therapeutic activities to enhance functional performance; vocational evaluation and training; and consultation concerning the adaptation of physical, sensory, and social environments.
C. An occupational therapist provides the specific activities or therapeutic methods to improve or restore optimum functioning, to compensate for dysfunction, or to minimize disability of patients impaired by physical illness or injury, emotional, congenital or developmental disorders, or by the aging process.
D. An occupational therapy assistant is responsible for the safe and effective delivery of those services or tasks delegated by and under the direction of the occupational therapist. Individual responsibilities of an occupational therapy assistant may include:
1. Participation in the evaluation or assessment of a patient by gathering data, administering tests, and reporting observations and client capacities to the occupational therapist;
2. Participation in intervention planning, implementation, and review;
3. Implementation of interventions as determined and assigned by the occupational therapist;
4. Documentation of patient responses to interventions and consultation with the occupational therapist about patient functionality;
5. Assistance in the formulation of the discharge summary and follow-up plans; and
6. Implementation of outcome measurements and provision of needed patient discharge resources.
E. The practice of occupational therapy may include supervisory, administrative, educational or consultative activities or responsibilities for the delivery of such services.
A. Practitioners shall comply with the provisions of § 32.1-127.1:03 of the Code of Virginia related to the confidentiality and disclosure of patient records.
B. Practitioners shall provide patient records to another practitioner or to the patient or his personal representative in a timely manner and in accordance with provisions of § 32.1-127.1:03 of the Code of Virginia.
C. Practitioners shall properly manage and keep timely, accurate, legible and complete patient records.
D. Practitioners who are employed by a health care institution, school system or other entity in which the individual practitioner does not own or maintain his own records shall maintain patient records in accordance with the policies and procedures of the employing entity.
E. Practitioners who are self-employed or employed by an entity in which the individual practitioner does own and is responsible for patient records shall:
1. M maintain a patient record for a minimum of six years following the last patient encounter with the following exceptions:
a. 1. Records of a minor child, including immunizations, shall be maintained until the child reaches the age of 18 or becomes emancipated, with a minimum time for record retention of six years from the last patient encounter regardless of the age of the child;
b. 2. Records that have previously been transferred to another practitioner or health care provider or provided to the patient or his personal representative; or
c. 3. Records that are required by contractual obligation or federal law may need to be maintained for a longer period of time.
2. From October 19, 2005, post information or in some manner inform all patients concerning the time frame for record retention and destruction. Patient records shall only be destroyed in a manner that protects patient confidentiality, such as by incineration or shredding.
F. When a practitioner is closing, selling or relocating his practice, he shall meet the requirements of § 54.1-2405 of the Code of Virginia for giving notice that copies of records can be sent to any like-regulated provider of the patient's choice or provided to the patient.