Proposed Text
Knowingly filing incorrect or unverifiable data with the commissioner, or placing an expiration date upon a shipping carton, container or any consumer package which is inconsistent with the data filed with the commissioner, shall be considered to be misbranding under § 3.1-396(a) 3.2-5123(a)(1) of the Code of Virginia. However, it shall not be considered misbranded if the expiration date shown is an earlier date than the filed data could warrant.
Any manufacturer, distributor, dealer, or other person who offers for sale or sells infant formula without an expiration date, or who offers for sale or sells infant formula after the expiration date shown, shall be deemed to be offering for sale a product unfit for food within the meaning of § 3.1-395(a)(3) as described in § 3.2-5122(3) of the Code of Virginia.
Inspection Report, Form VDACS-06017.