Final Text
Part I
Administration of Virginia's Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program
19VAC30-70-1. Purpose and authority.
Virginia's Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program was developed and adopted to promote highway safety. The program model is based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Vehicles submitted for inspection must be compliant with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards applicable on the date of manufacture. The goal of the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program is to assure all Virginia registered vehicles are mechanically safe to operate over the highways of the Commonwealth.
The rules and regulations governing the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program are contained in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. These rules and regulations are promulgated under the authority of Chapter 10 (§ 46.2-1000 et seq.) of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia. All official inspection stations shall comply with these rules and regulations, issuing approval certificates only to those vehicles which the inspections shall determine to be in compliance with those rules and regulations.
For devices or equipment required to be approved pursuant to § 46.2-1005 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia, the superintendent may waive such approval and the issuance of a certificate of approval when the device or equipment is identified as complying with the standards and specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or the regulations of the federal Department of Transportation (DOT).
These rules and regulations are intended to ensure a uniform system of corrective action for those who violate the rules and regulations of the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.
The Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual covers
administrative procedure as well as numerous vehicular safety items of varying
importance. It is, therefore, necessary that the various sections of the manual
be divided into categories of seriousness. This will provide a uniform system
of corrective action for the certified inspector mechanics inspectors
and the inspection stations.
19VAC30-70-9. Inspector requirements.
A. The inspection of motor vehicles required by this chapter shall be made only by those individuals who are certified and licensed as safety inspectors by the Department of State Police. The procedures outlined in this section are applicable to the processing of applications for initial certification, reclassification of safety inspector's licenses, and reinstatement of suspended or revoked safety inspector's licenses.
B. All certified inspectors shall be at least 18 years of age and meet the following qualifications:
1. A minimum of one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic or six months of practical experience as an automotive mechanic combined with an additional and separate six months of mirroring a certified state inspector, or
2. Satisfactorily completed a training program in the field of automotive mechanics approved by the Superintendent of State Police.
A person who has met either of the practical experience requirements in repairing motorcycles may be certified to inspect motorcycles only. A person who meets practical experience requirements in repairing trailers may be certified to inspect trailers only.
C. Each mechanic entering the inspection program is required to satisfactorily pass a written and practical examination exhibiting knowledge of the inspection procedures.
D. Each certified inspector shall possess a valid Virginia driver's license with the following exceptions:
1. An inspector who is a resident of an adjoining state holding a valid driver's license in that state and who commutes regularly to work in Virginia; or
2. A member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty, or a dependent thereof, who holds a driver's license from his home state.
E. An inspector whose driver's license is suspended or revoked, including the seven-day administrative suspension for an arrest for driving under the influence (DUI), must immediately notify the station's supervising trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office of the suspension or revocation. The suspension or revocation of an inspector's driver's license shall automatically act as a suspension of his privilege to inspect motor vehicles until such suspension or revocation is terminated, and the reinstatement has been made by the Superintendent of State Police.
F. Each licensed safety inspector must have a valid safety inspector's license in his possession at all times while conducting inspections.
G. Each safety inspector with a valid safety inspector's license need only present such valid license to his new employer to commence participation in the program at a new place of employment. Management of the inspection station is required to notify the Safety Division when a safety inspector begins or ends employment. This notification may be handled by contacting the inspection station's supervising trooper by telephone.
H. In the event the safety inspector's license becomes mutilated, lost, or stolen, the inspector must notify the Department of State Police immediately to request a duplicate using the Safety Inspector Notification Form. All required information shall be printed legibly and completely. An inspector who is not employed, writes "Inactive" in the station name block.
In those cases where notification is being made due to an address change, it is necessary to complete the Safety Inspector Notification Form and submit it to the Safety Division Headquarters. The inspector's information will be updated within the MVIP database by the Inspector Files Clerk.
NOTE: The Safety Inspector Notification Form can be downloaded from the Virginia State Police website under the Vehicle Safety Inspection link.
NOTE: Safety inspector licenses are only generated and distributed for initial certifications, renewals, name changes, and mutilated, lost, or stolen licenses. Inspectors submitting a change of address notification are not issued a new license.
I. An inspector must immediately notify the station's
supervising trooper or local Safety Division Area Office within 72
hours of an arrest for a criminal offense or the institution of a civil
J. Requirements for safety inspector applicants with a specific learning disability.
1. Applicants must furnish documentation from the particular school division where the applicant was classified as having a learning disability. The specific learning disability must be clearly identified.
2. Once the learning disability has been documented, and if applicable, the applicant will be allowed to test with the written exam being orally presented.
3. The station management, where the applicant is employed or to be employed, must agree to have someone present during the hours the employee is conducting inspections to assist with the reading of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual when necessary during the initial three-year certification period. If the inspector changes stations within the first three-year period, it is the inspector's responsibility to notify station management of his disability and this requirement.
19VAC30-70-9.1. Inspector certification.
A. Upon request, the Inspector Certification Safety
Inspector Application (Form SP-170B) and Criminal History Record Request
(Form SP-167) are provided online via the Virginia State Police website to individuals
desiring appointment as certified safety inspectors.
1. The application package includes instructions to help guide the applicant through the process.
2. Applicants may be certified in any of the following classes after completing the necessary requirements and the appropriate examinations:
a. Class A: May inspect any motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer.
b. Class B: May inspect trailers only.
c. Class C: May inspect motorcycles only.
B. Applicants should immediately prepare for the written examination by studying the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual in its entirety.
1. When sufficiently prepared for the examination, the applicant should visit a testing site in his area to complete the appropriate examination.
2. The applicant must present his completed application in accordance with the provisions established in 19VAC30-70-9.2.
3. If the applicant's driver's license is expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant will be advised, and the application destroyed. The applicant may reapply after his driver's license is reinstated.
C. The Class A inspector examination consists of five sections containing 20 questions each. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section. The Classes B and C inspector examinations will consist of 50 questions each. A minimum score of 74% must be attained. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date. The application is returned to the applicant. Applicants failing to attain the minimum score are not allowed to test again for 30 days. Applicants failing a second or subsequent examination are not allowed to test again for six months.
D. The Inspectors Certification Safety Inspector
Application (Form SP-170B) and Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167)
for applicants who achieve a minimum score or greater is forwarded to Safety
Division Headquarters.
1. The applicant's record is checked against safety inspector and Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) files.
2. Inspection and criminal record information along with the applicant's driver transcript is forwarded with the application to the appropriate Safety Division Area Office for investigation.
3. A credit check is performed to determine that the applicant associated with the inspection program is in compliance with any judgment order or is meeting all financial obligations, or both.
E. A background investigation is conducted consisting of the following:
1. Verification that the applicant is at least 18 years of age.
2. Verification that the applicant has not less than one year's practical experience employed as an automotive technician repairing vehicles for the public, or six months of practical experience as an automotive mechanic combined with an additional and separate six months of mirroring a certified state inspector, or has satisfactorily completed a training program in the field of automotive mechanics approved by the Department of State Police. The following training programs in the field of automotive mechanics have been approved as a substitute for the one year's practical experience requirement:
a. The two-year associate degree or diploma programs in automotive technology offered by the Virginia Community College System consisting of the following minimum curriculum:
(1) Automotive Electrical Systems - three semester hours.
(2) Braking Systems - three semester hours.
(3) Emissions Control Systems - three semester hours.
(4) Suspension and Steering Systems - three semester hours.
(5) Vehicle Safety Inspection - two semester hours.
b. The 1,080-hour Career Technical Automotive Services Technology Program, offered by the Office of Career Technical Education, State Department of Education, in the various technical schools located throughout Virginia or be certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), or both.
(1) Upon the successful completion of this course, including a
practical test as defined in this section, the student must complete a Mechanics
Certification Safety Inspector Application (Form SP-170B) and a
Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167), pass a written test as defined
in subsection C of this section, and submit to a background investigation as
defined in this subsection. Upon successful completion of these requirements,
the student, if 18 years of age, is certified as a safety inspector and issued
a safety inspector license.
(2) If the student scores less than 75% on any part of the examination, the application will be returned to the certifying trooper. Students scoring less than 75% on any part of the examination may retest at the certifying trooper's next recertification testing date, but not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last examination. If the student passes the test at this time and is at least 18 years of age, he is issued a safety inspector license. Upon the student's 18th birthday, providing he still meets all of the requirements, the student will be issued a safety inspector license.
(3) Students failing the second written examination are not allowed to test again for six months. In order to retest the student must be at least 18 years of age and must complete the application process set forth for original certification.
c. The 1,500-hour Course #1 entitled "Auto-Diesel Technician Course" offered by the Nashville Auto Diesel College, Inc., 1524 Gallatin Road, Nashville, Tennessee 37206.
3. A determination of the applicant's mechanical ability through interviews with employers and customers.
4. A review of the applicant's current driving record on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is utilized in determining applicant's suitability for certification.
5. Determination of the character and reputation of the applicant through previous associates, employers, and records.
6. Determination of the applicant's attitude toward the inspection program and receptiveness to State Police supervision through personal interview.
7. The investigating trooper shall administer a practical examination to determine the applicant's ability to conduct a safety inspection. The applicant will conduct a complete inspection, including the use of the optical headlight aimer. This shall be conducted at the applicant's station of employment. If the applicant is not employed at a certified inspection station, the applicant may make arrangement with one to conduct practical testing.
F. Any applicant whose application is voluntarily
withdrawn or rejected due to incomplete documentation may not reapply
sooner than six months from the date of the withdrawal or the date the
applicant are notified of the rejection of his application. Any applicant
whose application is denied may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date
of the letter notifying the denial.
G. When a safety inspector is certified, the bottom of the Form SP-170B is completed by the certifying trooper. The classification for which the safety inspector is being certified and the date of certification must be entered by the trooper on the bottom of the Form SP-170B. The Form SP-170B shall then be forwarded to the Safety Division Area Office.
H. Upon certification, the supervising trooper fills out the
temporary inspector's license in triplicate, forwarding providing
the original (white copy) to Safety Division Headquarters the
inspector, issuing forwarding the canary copy to the
inspector Safety Division Headquarters, and retaining the pink copy
at the Safety Division Area Office for six months. Once the safety inspector
has been issued a temporary the license, he is eligible to begin
I. All safety inspector licenses shall be valid for a period of three years.
19VAC30-70-9.2. Examinations for inspector's license.
A. The Department of State Police administers the written examination for original certification for all inspectors. With few exceptions, recertifications are done at the normal testing sites along with original certification tests.
B. In order for an individual to become a certified safety inspector, the following actions shall be followed:
1. The person shall download the following forms from the Virginia State Police website:
a. Inspector Certification Safety Inspector
Application, Form SP-170B;
b. Criminal History Record Request, Form SP-167; and
c. Inspector Application Worksheet;
d. Authorization for Release of Information (SP-170D).
2. The applicant shall (i) complete Form SP-170B in its entirety and have it notarized; (ii) complete and have notarized Form SP-167 with appropriate credit card information or an attached $15 cashier's check, business check or money order payable to "Virginia State Police"; and (iii) complete the Inspector Applicant Worksheet with two character references, two mechanical references, places of employment, and qualified automotive training, or schools completed or mechanical experience.
3. The applicant shall then take the completed application forms to any State Police testing site and present it to the trooper conducting the written examination. Applicants arriving after the designated testing time are not eligible to participate in the written examination.
4. The trooper verifies the notarizations and checks the driver's license for validity and identification of the applicant. If the applicant's driver's license is found to be expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant is advised, and the application is destroyed. The applicant may reapply once the driver's license has been reissued or reinstated.
5. If the applicant successfully passes the test, the trooper notes at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B the word "passed" and the date. The trooper signs the test and sends it to Safety Division Headquarters, Inspectors File Section for further processing and investigation.
6. The Class A examination consists of five sections: general information, brakes, suspension, lights, and glass. Each section contains 20 questions. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section and for the practical examination. The Classes B and C examinations consist of 50 questions each. A minimum score of 74 must be attained on the written and practical examination.
7. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date.
8. If the applicant desires to test again for the written or practical test, he may do so after 30 days. If the applicant is again unsuccessful in passing either examination, the trooper shall take the application forms and forward them to Safety Division Headquarters, Inspector Files Section. The applicant may contact his assigned Safety Division trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office after six months to reapply.
C. Recertification.
1. Safety inspectors desiring to renew their inspector's license must participate in the recertification written examination. Inspectors arriving after the designated testing time are not eligible to participate in the written examination.
2. All safety inspectors are required to satisfactorily pass the appropriate examination for the license the inspector holds.
3. A safety inspector is not permitted to perform inspections after the expiration date of his inspector's license.
4. A safety inspector's license shall be valid for a period of three years.
5. All safety inspectors' licenses display an inspector's VSP number and do not display the social security number. The inspector's VSP number is written on the inspection sticker receipt or displayed on the automated MVIP receipt.
6. Safety inspector testing sites are not included on an inspection bulletin. Testing site information is updated in the computer system so that the usual letters going to inspectors to remind them of their upcoming recertification contain the updated information. All Safety Division Area Offices also have the updated information.
7. If the safety inspector has any questions about the testing sites, the safety inspector should contact the Safety Division Area Office closest to him. The office numbers are:
Area 61 (Richmond) |
804‑743‑2217 |
Area 62 (Culpeper) |
540‑829‑7414 |
Area 63 (Amherst) |
434‑946‑7676 |
Area 64 (Wytheville) |
276‑228‑6220 |
Area 65 (Suffolk) |
757‑925‑2432 |
Area 66 (Salem) |
540‑387‑5437 |
Area 67 (Fairfax) |
703‑803‑2622 |
D. Vo-tech students who successfully complete the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course and who are expected to graduate from the program with the required 1,080 hours and meet the requirements of the Department of State Police are certified as safety inspectors.
1. The vo-tech instructor contacts his assigned Safety Division trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office by March 15 of each year. The written examination is scheduled for students who are at least 18 years of age or who will be at least 18 years of age by March 31 of that year.
2. The Safety Division troopers responsible for administering the written examinations at the vo-tech centers forward sufficient applications, Form SP-170B, for each student to complete prior to the testing date. A Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167) if the student is at least 18 years of age must also be completed. The Safety Division trooper indicates at the top of the Form SP-170B the name of the vo-tech school where the examination is given.
3. The trooper verifies the notarizations and checks the driver's license for validity and identification of the applicant. If the applicant's driver's license is found to be expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant is advised, and the application is destroyed. The applicant may reapply once the driver's license has been reissued or reinstated.
4. If the applicant successfully completes the written
examination, the trooper notes at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B the
word "passed" and the date. The trooper signs the test and forwards
it to Safety Division Headquarters, Mechanics File Inspector Files
Section for further processing and investigation. Due to the age of these
students, this should be done in a minimal amount of time.
5. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date.
a. The Safety Division trooper only administers one written
examination at the vo-tech center. Those students who fail the first written
examination may retest, but not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last
written examination. Those students who fail the first written examination keep
the Form SP-170B in their possessions possession and present it
to the Safety Division trooper at the test site prior to taking the second
written examination.
b. The second written examination is not administered to the students prior to the end of the school year. Prior to taking the second written examination, the student shall have completed the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course and must be employed at an official inspection station. These students are not required to have completed the one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic.
c. For those students who pass the second written examination,
the Safety Division trooper will forward the student's Form SP-170B to the
Safety Division for further processing and investigation. Those students who
successfully pass all phases for original certification are then issued a
temporary an inspector license by the Safety Division trooper.
d. Students failing the second written examination are not allowed to test again for six months and must complete the application process as set forth for original certification.
6. The written examination consists of five sections: general information, brakes, suspension, lights, and glass. Each section contains 20 questions. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section.
7. Those students who successfully complete all phases of the written examination and background checks are then administered a practical examination. The vo-tech instructor, who holds a valid Class A Safety Inspector's License, administers the practical "Class A" examination to each student who is expected to graduate from the program. The Safety Division trooper should be on hand to observe at least some of the practical examinations administered by the vo-tech instructor to ensure that testing is administered according to Safety Division regulations.
8.Those students Each student who successfully complete
completes all phases for original certification by March 31 will be
issued a temporary an inspector license by the Safety Division
trooper, provided the student is at least 18 years of age. The Safety
Division trooper then forwards the completed temporary inspector license to
the Safety Division Headquarters, Inspector Files Section will issue the
original (white copy) to the inspector, forward the canary copy to Safety
Division Headquarters, and retain the pink copy at the Safety Division Area
Office for six months.
a. The Safety Division mails a permanent inspector's
license to the student, provided he is at least 18 years of age by March 31 of
that year. b. The vo-tech instructor is required to contact the Safety
Division trooper prior to the end of the school year if any student fails to
complete the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course.
c. b. Any student who fails to complete the
Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course is not licensed as a certified safety
inspector and is required to complete the application process as set forth for
original certification.
9. Those students who will be at least 18 years of age after March 31 of that year and have successfully completed the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course must contact the Safety Division trooper assigned to the inspection stations where they are employed and complete the application process as set forth for original certification. These students are not required to have completed the one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic.
19VAC30-70-9.3. Reinstatement of safety inspector license; classification change; recertification.
A. Reinstatement of safety inspector licenses following a period of suspension or revocation.
1. The inspector shall contact his supervising trooper or nearest Safety Division Area Office to initiate the reinstatement process.
2. If the inspector is suspended for less than six months, the safety inspector's license will be held at the local Safety Division Area Office and returned upon the expiration of the suspension period. A check will be made by the supervising trooper with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) prior to reinstatement.
3. Once a safety inspector's license has been suspended for a
period of six months or more, regardless of the cause for suspension, no
application Form SP-170B is required for reinstatement; however, Form SP-170D
and Form SP-167 must be completed. The supervising trooper will conduct
checks with DMV, all court jurisdictions, and the Central Criminal Records
Exchange. The supervising trooper shall also review a credit report prior to
reinstatement of the inspector the inspector's history while in the inspection
program to include the inspector's disciplinary record and a current credit
report, which will be considered contingent upon reinstatement.
4. If the suspended inspector's license expires during the suspension period, the inspector may complete the process for inspector recertification as set forth in this section. The trooper administering the test will retain all documentation. The inspector's license will be returned at the end of the suspension period, if the suspended inspector's records indicate he is suitable for reinstatement, and the appropriate documents forwarded to the Safety Division.
5. Inspectors whose safety inspector's licenses have been revoked must complete the application process for initial certification as set forth in this section.
B. Safety inspectors who desire to change their license classification must complete the written and practical examinations as outlined in 19VAC30-70-9.2.
C. Safety inspectors desiring to renew their inspector's license must participate in the recertification process. The process requires the following:
1. Review of training materials as may be presented at the certification testing site by State Police personnel.
2. Completion of the appropriate examination for the class license the inspector holds. A minimum score must be attained as previously outlined in 19VAC30-70-9.2.
3. An inspector holding an expired license may be tested as long as his license has not been expired more than one month. During the period of expiration, he will not be permitted to perform inspections.
An inspector holding an expired inspector license that has not been expired more than one month and who fails the recertification examination the first time during this one-month grace period may be retested one additional time not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last recertification examination. Inspectors failing this subsequent examination are not retested for six months and must complete the application process as set forth for initial certification.
D. When a request for reinstatement is denied, inspectors who are suspended for a period of six months or more may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial. Following an initial certification investigation for a revoked inspector, if the revoked inspector is denied, he may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.
19VAC30-70-10.1. Official inspection station appointment.
A. These procedures are applicable to the application process for initial appointment, reclassification of appointment, change in ownership, change in name, and reinstatement of the appointment for an official inspection station following a period of suspension or revocation.
For investigations involving changes to the original report, only those areas of inquiry that have changed need to be reported.
For changes in station name, location, and classification only, a narrative report is not required. These requests may be reported on the Form SP-164. This report should include information pertinent to the change. A statement should be included to report verification of information contained in the station's new application for appointment.
1. Any garage or other facility that routinely performs motor
vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer repairs may apply to the Department of State
Police in writing by contacting their Safety Division office for an
application packet for appointment as an Official Safety Inspection
a. The Department of State Police will forward an application package to the applicant.
b. The application forms are to be completed and returned to the supervising trooper processing the application within 45 days.
c. The application shall include the names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and social security numbers for the applicant and each person who will supervise or otherwise participate in the program. Each person is also required to execute an Authorization for Release of Information Form (SP-170-D) and a Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167). When a corporation with other established inspection stations is applying for an additional location, it shall not be necessary for the corporate officers to complete the Form SP-167 or undergo the usual background investigation. In these situations, the Department of State Police is only concerned with the personnel who will be responsible for handling and securing the safety inspection supplies.
2. Each inspection station application is reviewed, and the applicant must meet the following criteria:
a. The facility must have been in business at its present location for a minimum of 90 days.
(1) This requirement does not apply to a change in location for a previously appointed station.
(2) This requirement does not apply to a repair garage that is an established business and is expanding its mechanical convenience to the general public by the addition of other repair locations.
(3) This requirement does not apply to a business license as a franchised dealer of new vehicles.
b. The facility must perform motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer repairs routinely.
c. The station must have on hand or be willing to purchase the necessary equipment as identified by the Department of State Police for performing safety inspections.
d. The station must employ or be willing to employ at least one safety inspector with the appropriate license for the desired station's classification.
e. The facility's physical plant must meet the specific standards for the station classification for which the appointment is required.
3. Each applicant station must undergo a background investigation to determine if the business and associated personnel meet the following minimum criteria:
a. A review of the history of management and all persons employed who will participate in the inspection program must reflect general compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.
b. The character, attitude, knowledge of safety inspection requirements, mechanical ability, and experience of each individual who will perform or supervise safety inspections must be satisfactory.
c. The applicant and all participants must be familiar with and agree to comply with the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual. Each vehicle presented for safety inspection must be inspected in strict compliance with the Code of Virginia and the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual.
d. The business establishment must be financially stable. Its future existence should not be dependent upon appointment as an inspection station. The applicant and all persons to be associated with the inspection program must be in compliance with any judgment order or meeting all financial obligations, or both. The applicant and all persons to be associated with the inspection program must be in good financial standing for a period of at least one year.
Following any change in ownership, new ownership must show financial stability for a minimum of 90 days prior to their official inspection station appointment.
4. Each business must agree to provide the necessary space, equipment, and personnel to conduct inspections as required by the Department of State Police. Facilities and equipment must be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the superintendent. All safety inspectors must read and be thoroughly familiar with the instructions furnished for Official Inspection Stations and agree to abide by these instructions and to carefully inspect every motor vehicle, trailer, and semi-trailer presented for inspection as required by the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. Businesses must operate inspection stations in strict accordance with the Code of Virginia and the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual. The appointment of an inspection station may be canceled at any time by the superintendent and are automatically canceled if any change in address, name, or ownership is made without proper notification.
5. Any applicant whose application is voluntarily
withdrawn, or rejected due to incomplete documentation, may not reapply
sooner than six months from the date of the withdrawal or the date the
applicant is notified of the rejection of his application. Any applicant
whose application is denied may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date
of the letter notifying the denial.
6. Each business to be appointed will be assigned one of 11 classifications based upon the physical plant specifications or other criteria as follows:
a. Unlimited: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane and in good condition for 60 feet. The front portion of the lane shall be level or on the same plane for a minimum of 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. Space should be adequate to allow a tractor truck towing a 53-foot trailer access to the inspection lane.
b. Small exemption: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane for 40 feet. The entrance opening shall be at least 10 feet in height, eight feet in width, and adequate to accommodate vehicles 40 feet in length. Any vehicle exceeding 10 feet in height may be inspected if the building entrance will allow such vehicle to completely enter the designated inspection lane.
c. Large exemption: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane and in good condition for 60 feet. The front portion of the lane shall be level or on the same plane for a minimum of 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. Space should be adequate to allow a tractor truck towing a 53-foot trailer access to the inspection lane. This classification is required to inspect only vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) exceeding 10,000 pounds.
d. Motorcycle: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance shall be adequate to accommodate the motorcycle and the operator.
e. Unlimited trailer: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 60 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. This classification is required to inspect all trailers.
f. Small trailer exemption: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 10 feet in height and adequate to accommodate trailers 40 feet in length. This classification is required to inspect only those trailers not exceeding 40 feet in length or 10 feet in height measured to the highest part of the trailer but not including racks, air conditioners, antennas, etc.
g. Large trailer exemption: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 60 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and adequate to accommodate all legal size trailers. This classification is required to inspect only property-carrying trailers exceeding 10 feet in height or 40 feet in length.
h. Safety and emissions: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The lane must accommodate most passenger cars and light trucks. The emissions equipment must be placed in the lane at a location to allow the inspected vehicle to be positioned with all four wheels on the floor or on an above-ground ramp on a plane to the floor to accommodate headlight aiming and other required inspection procedures. Any above-ground structure must be constructed so as to permit proper steering, suspension, brake, and undercarriage inspection as outlined in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. A list of local inspection stations that can accommodate vehicles that cannot be safety inspected due to the pretenses of emissions equipment must be maintained and available for customers. A "bottle" jack or other appropriate lifting equipment may be used for safety inspection on above-ground structures.
i. Private station: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet. An applicant who owns and operates fewer than 20 vehicles will not be considered.
j. Private station (fleet service contractor): The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet to be inspected. This classification will permit the inspection of all vehicles that the applicant has a written agreement to service and repair. An applicant who does not have at least six written agreements to service private fleets with at least five vehicles in each fleet or at least one written agreement to service a private fleet with at least 30 vehicles in the fleet will not be considered for this type of appointment. Vehicles not covered by a written agreement for service and repair, other than the vehicles owned by the applicant's company or corporation, shall not be inspected by a garage having this type of classification.
k. Private station (government): The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet to be inspected. This classification permits the inspection of all vehicles in the government entity's fleet, the fleet of any volunteer or paid fire department, or any other unit or agency of the government structure having a written agreement with such governmental entity for repair, inspection service, or both. An applicant for this classification must own or have a written agreement to inspect 30 or more vehicles. Vehicles not owned by or covered by a written agreement shall not be inspected by a garage having this type of classification.
7. Classifications listed in subdivisions 6 a through 6 h of this subsection must be open to the public and have at least one safety inspector available to perform inspections during normal business hours as set forth in 19VAC30-70-10.
8. Private inspection station classifications may be assigned to businesses or governmental entities with fixed garage or repair facilities operating or contracting with vehicle fleets.
B. A representative of any official inspection station may apply to the Department of State Police in writing to request a change of the station's status.
1. An application form is forwarded to the applicant.
2. The applicant completes the application form and contacts the Department of State Police in keeping with the application instructions. Applications must include all data as set forth in this section.
3. A Safety Division trooper is assigned to complete the appropriate investigation to affect the change. A change in status investigation includes the following:
a. A review of the existing station file.
b. An update of the file to include personnel, facility, or other significant changes. Criteria for appointment and background investigation procedures for a change in status will be in keeping with this section.
c. Official inspection stations are permitted to continue to perform safety inspections during a change of ownership investigation provided at least one safety inspector is retained from the prior owner.
d. If disqualifying criteria is revealed, the station's appointment shall be canceled until final disposition of the application is made or until issues of disqualifying criteria are resolved.
C. Once an official inspection station has been suspended, regardless of the cause for the suspension, management may request reinstatement up to 60 days prior to the expiration of the suspension period. Stations whose appointments are revoked may complete the application process as set forth for original appointments after the expiration of the period of revocation.
1. The applicant station must submit a letter to Safety Division Headquarters (Attention: Station Files) requesting reinstatement.
2. An application package is forwarded to the applicant.
3. The completed application forms must be returned to Safety Division Headquarters (Attention: Station Files).
4. After review, the application package is forwarded to the appropriate Safety Division Area Office for investigation.
a. The trooper assigned to the investigation compares the information in the new application package to the information in the existing files.
b. The investigation focuses on any changes or,
inconsistencies, and the inspection station's history while in the
inspection program, to include the station's disciplinary record.
c. The applicant station must meet all criteria for appointment as set forth in this section.
d. Any applicant whose application for reinstatement is rejected
or voluntarily withdrawn may not reapply sooner than six months from
the date he is notified of the rejection or of the withdrawal of
the application.
D. When a request for reinstatement is denied, a station suspended a period of six months or more may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial. Following an original appointment investigation for a revoked station, if the revoked station is denied, it may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.
19VAC30-70-25. Exceptions to motor vehicle inspection requirements.
A. The following shall be exempt from inspection as required by § 46.2-1157 of the Code of Virginia:
1. Four-wheel vehicles weighing less than 500 pounds and having less than six horsepower;
2. Boat, utility, or travel trailers that are not equipped with brakes;
3. Antique motor vehicles or antique trailers as defined in § 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia and licensed pursuant to § 46.2-730 of the Code of Virginia;
4. Any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is outside the Commonwealth at the time its inspection expires when operated by the most direct route to the owner's or operator's place of residence or the owner's legal place of business in the Commonwealth;
5. A truck, tractor truck, trailer, or semitrailer for which the period fixed for inspection has expired while the vehicle was outside the Commonwealth (i) from a point outside the Commonwealth to the place where such vehicle is kept or garaged within the Commonwealth or (ii) to a destination within the Commonwealth where such vehicle will be (a) unloaded within 24 hours of entering the Commonwealth, (b) inspected within such 24-hour period, and (c) operated, after being unloaded, only to an inspection station or to the place where it is kept or garaged within the Commonwealth;
6. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers may be operated upon the highways of Virginia for the purpose of delivery from the place of manufacture to the dealer's or distributor's designated place of business or between places of business if such manufacturer, dealer, or distributor has more than one place of business, without being inspected; dealers or distributors may take delivery and operate upon the highways of Virginia new motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers from another dealer or distributor provided a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer shall not be considered new if driven upon the highways for any purpose other than the delivery of the vehicle;
7. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers bearing a manufacturer's license may be operated for test purposes by the manufacturer without an inspection;
8. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers may be operated for test purposes by a certified inspector without an inspection sticker during the performance of an official inspection;
9. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers may be operated upon the highways of Virginia over the most direct route to a location for installation of a permanent body without being inspected;
10. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers purchased outside the Commonwealth may be driven to the purchaser's place of residence or the dealer's or distributor's designated place of business without being inspected;
11. Prior to purchase from auto auctions within the
Commonwealth, motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers may be
operated upon the highways not to exceed a five-mile 10-mile
radius of such auction by prospective purchasers only for the purpose of road
testing without being inspected; motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers
purchased from auto auctions within the Commonwealth also may be operated upon
the highways from such auction to the purchaser's place of residence or
business without being inspected and motor vehicles, trailers, or
semitrailers purchased from auto auctions operated upon the highways from such
auction to (i) an official safety inspection station provided that (a) the
inspection station is located between the auto auction and the purchaser's
residence or place of business or within a 10-mile radius of such residence or
business and (b) the vehicle is taken to the inspection station on the same day
the purchaser removes the vehicle from the auto auction or (ii) the purchaser's
place of residence or business;
12. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers, after the expiration of a period fixed for the inspection thereof, may be operated over the most direct route between the place where such vehicle is kept or garaged and an official inspection station for the purpose of having the same inspected pursuant to a prior appointment with such station;
13. Any vehicle for transporting well-drilling machinery and mobile equipment as defined in § 46.2-700 of the Code of Virginia;
14. Motor vehicles being towed in a legal manner as exempted under § 46.2-1150 of the Code of Virginia;
15. Logtrailers as exempted under § 46.2-1159 of the Code of Virginia;
16. Motor vehicles designed or altered and used exclusively for racing or other exhibition purposes as exempted under § 46.2-1160 of the Code of Virginia;
17. Any tow dolly or converter gear as defined in § 46.2-1119 of the Code of Virginia;
18. A new motor vehicle, as defined in § 46.2-1500 of the Code of Virginia, that has been inspected in accordance with an inspection requirement of the manufacturer or distributor of the new motor vehicle (i.e., predelivery inspection (PDI)) by an employee who customarily performs such inspection on behalf of a motor vehicle dealer licensed pursuant to § 46.2-1508 of the Code of Virginia shall be deemed to have met the safety inspection requirements of this section without a separate safety inspection by an official inspection station. Such inspection shall be deemed to be the first inspection for the purpose of § 46.2-1158 of the Code of Virginia, and an inspection approval sticker furnished by the Department of State Police at the uniform price paid by all official inspection stations to the Department of State Police for an inspection approval sticker may be affixed to the vehicle as required by § 46.2-1163 of the Code of Virginia.
NOTE: Only an active certified safety inspector may enter the vehicle's information into the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) database and affix the inspection sticker to the vehicle;
19. Mopeds;
20. Low-speed vehicles; and
21. Vehicles exempt from registration pursuant to Article 6 (§ 46.2-662 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia; and
22. Military surplus motor vehicles as defined in § 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia and licensed pursuant to § 46.2-730.1 of the Code of Virginia.
B. The following shall be exempt from inspection as required by § 46.2-1157 of the Code of Virginia provided (i) the commercial motor vehicle operates in interstate commerce; (ii) the commercial motor vehicle is found to meet the federal requirements for annual inspection through a self-inspection, a third-party inspection, a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection, or a periodic inspection performed by any state with a program; (iii) the inspection has been determined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to be comparable to or as effective as the requirements of 49 CFR 396.3(a); and (iv) documentation of such determination as provided for in 49 CFR 396.3(b) is available for review by law-enforcement officials to verify that the inspection is current:
1. Any commercial motor vehicle operating in interstate commerce that is subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
2. Any trailer or semitrailer being operated in interstate commerce that is subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
19VAC30-70-40. Fees.
A. Before the inspection of a vehicle begins, the vehicle owner or operator must be informed there is a regulated fee pursuant to § 46.2-1167 of the Code of Virginia.
B. The maximum inspection fees effective July 1, 2019, are as follows:
$51 for each inspection of any (i) tractor truck, (ii) truck that has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more, or (iii) motor vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has a seating capacity of more than 15 passengers, including the driver.
$12 for each inspection of any motorcycle and autocycle.
$16 for each inspection of any other vehicle, including trailers and motor homes.
1. Inspection fees will result in inspection stations retaining
and forwarding $.50 $.70 to the Department of State Police to
support the department's costs in administering the Motor Vehicle Inspection
Program (MVIP). Collection of these fees will be billed quarterly to each
station on April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 of each year.
Tractor Trucks Trucks that have a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more Buses that seat more than 15 passengers (including the driver) |
$.50 per inspection |
Cars Pickup Trucks/Trucks Recreational Motor Homes Trailers |
$.70 per inspection |
Motorcycles Autocycles |
$2.00 per inspection |
2. After the appropriate fee has been determined for each station, an invoice is uploaded to each station's MVIP account. The procedures for mailing payments are outlined in this subdivision as follows:
a. Print the invoice from the MVIP station account.
b. Prepare a check, cashier's check, or money order made payable to the Department of State Police for the amount indicated on the invoice and include the station number within the memo section of the check.
c. Prepare an envelope with the following information: Department of State Police - Safety Division, P.O. Box 27472, Richmond, Virginia 23261.
d. Mail the check and invoice to the address listed in subdivision 2 c of this subsection.
3. The station has 30 days in which to mail in the processing fee. In the event a check does not clear the bank for any reason, a $50 fee will be assessed the station. Also, under 19VAC30-70-5, a returned check will be a Class III offense and administrative actions may be held against the station's record. Once the station has been contacted by the Department of State Police regarding a returned check, it will have 15 days to respond. If the returned check dispute is not settled in this period of time, administrative or legal sanctions, or both, may be taken against the station and, in addition, any requests for supplies will not be honored until the dispute has been settled.
C. If a rejected vehicle is not submitted to the same station within the validity period of the rejection sticker or is submitted to another official inspection station, a complete inspection must be performed and a charge of $51 may be made for inspection of tractor trucks, trucks that have a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more, and buses that seat more than 15 passengers, including the driver. A charge of $20 may be made for each inspection performed on any other vehicle to include recreational motor homes and trailers. A charge of $12 may be made for each motorcycle and autocycle inspection.
NOTE: The truck inspection fee does not pertain to any trailer.
D. A charge of $1.00 may be made for reinspection of a vehicle rejected by the same station during the 15-day validity of the rejection sticker.
E. Inspection stations shall not charge an additional fee to those customers who drop off their vehicles for a state inspection. This is a violation of § 46.2-1167 of the Code of Virginia unless the station charges a "storage fee" for all services and repairs and not just for inspections.
Part III
Inspection Requirements for Passenger Vehicles and Vehicles Up to 10,000 Pounds
19VAC30-70-80. Service brakes.
A. The inspector, as a minimum, must drive all vehicles into the inspection lane and test both service and parking brakes.
B. A minimum of two wheels, one front and one rear, must be inspected on each passenger and multipurpose vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) or less at the time of inspection, except those listed in subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of this subsection.
NOTE: If the vehicle is equipped with wheels that do not allow visual access to the braking system, the inspected wheels shall be removed.
NOTE: If the vehicle is equipped with drum brakes, the wheel and drum shall be removed for inspection.
1. Motorcycles.
2. A new model vehicle is defined as a vehicle that has not been titled or leased and is less than one year old, measured from October 1 as of each year; if such motor vehicle does not have a model year, such measurement shall be made from the date of manufacture.
3. Trucks with floating axles that require seal replacement upon removal of rear wheels. The inspection receipt (approval and rejection) shall be marked to reflect which wheels were pulled.
Warning: If wheels are removed to inspect brakes, lug nuts must be torqued to the manufacturer's specifications to prevent damage to disc rotors. The use of an impact wrench may exceed the manufacturer's specifications and damage disc rotors.
C. If any braking problem is detected, the inspector may test drive or require a test drive of the vehicle.
D. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Vehicle is not equipped with brakes or any brake has been disconnected, rendered inoperative, or improperly installed. Trailers having an actual gross weight of less than 3,000 pounds are not required to be equipped with brakes; however, if brakes are installed, these vehicles must be inspected.
Brake System Failure Indicator Lamp
2. Passenger vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1968, are not equipped with a red brake failure warning lamp or warning lamp does not light with parking brake applied when ignition key is turned to the start position, except for anti-lock system. The red brake failure warning lamp should light when the ignition key is turned to the start position; on some imports it may be checked when the emergency brake is applied or other factory installed test button. (DO NOT reject if only the amber ABS/anti-lock brake lamp is on.) With the engine running and parking brake released, the red brake failure warning lamp should go off, except for vehicles equipped with anti-lock system. If so, apply service brake for 10 seconds and if the red brake failure warning lamp lights again the system is defective. Also, if the warning lamp light does not come on when there is a leak or the warning lamp light is not functioning properly, the system is defective and shall be rejected. NOTE: This subdivision does not apply to vehicles registered as street rods nor does it imply that the red brake failure warning lamp needs to light when the emergency brake is set. There are many vehicles that are not factory equipped with an emergency brake indicator light.
Note: Vehicles equipped with a brake pad wear indicator warning light shall not constitute an automatic rejection for the vehicle submitted for a safety inspection. Each vehicle manufacturer has determined an appropriate level to activate the brake pad wear indicator warning light; therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the inspector to confirm whether or not the brake pads have exceeded the established tolerance of 2/32 of an inch.
Brake Linings and Disc Pads
3. Riveted linings or disc pads are worn to less than 2/32 of an inch over the rivet heads.
4. Bonded or molded linings or disc pads are worn to less than 2/32 of an inch in thickness at any point, not to include manufactured slots.
5. Wire in wire-backed lining is visible in friction surface.
6. Snap-on brake linings are loose.
7. Any lining is broken or cracked so that the lining or parts of the lining are not firmly attached to the shoe or has cracks on the friction surface extending to the open edge.
8. Grease or other contamination is present on the linings, drums, or rotors.
9. Rivets in riveted linings are loose or missing.
10. Any lining or pad is misaligned or does not make full contact with the drum or rotor, with the exception of minor scoring caused by debris, provided it does not affect braking efficiency.
11. Any foreign material or debris caught between a drum or rotor and the brake pad.
Brake Drums and Discs
NOTE: The inspector shall ensure that the minimum measurements in subdivisions D 3 and D 4 of this section are obtained.
11. 12. Brake drums or brake discs (rotors) are
worn or scored to the extent that their machining would result in a failure to
meet manufacturer's specifications. Use the specification stamped on the rotor
or drum if available.
13. Brake drums or brake discs (rotors) are scored to the extent that the braking surface is reduced to the point that the braking efficiency is adversely affected. This does not apply to minor scoring caused by debris.
NOTE: A number of vehicles on the market are equipped with a lock nut to hold the rear brake drum in place. Manufacturers recommend replacement of these lock nuts after each removal to prevent failure of the component. If the customer is advised up front, then the wholesale cost of the replacement nut may be charged to the customer.
NOTE: The proper method to remove the rear brake assembly on the 2000 Ford Focus is to remove the four bolts from the opposite side of the assembly. Removal otherwise may damage the outside grease cap and incur a cost to replace.
12. 14. Brake drums or discs have any external
crack or cracks more than one half the width of the friction surface of the
drum or disc. NOTE: Do not confuse short hairline heat cracks with flexural
Mechanical Linkage
13. 15. Cables are frayed or frozen.
14. 16. Mechanical parts missing, broken, badly
worn, or misaligned.
E. Hydraulic.
NOTE: Some motor vehicles, beginning with 1976 models, have a hydraulic power system that serves both the power-assisted brakes and power-assisted steering system. Some vehicles, beginning with 1985 models, have an integrated hydraulic actuation and anti-lock brake unit using only brake fluid.
1. Brake hydraulic system. Inspector should check the brake hydraulic system in the following manner: test vehicle in a standing position; apply moderate pressure to the brake pedal for 10 seconds. Brake pedal height must be maintained. On vehicles equipped with power-assisted systems, the engine should be running.
2. Hydraulic system operation. Stop engine, then depress brake pedal several times to eliminate all pressure. Depress pedal with a light foot-force (30 pounds). While maintaining this force on the pedal, start engine and observe if pedal moves slightly when engine starts.
Reject vehicle if pedal does not move slightly as engine is started while force is on brake pedal.
3. Condition of hydraulic booster power brake system. Inspect system for fluid level and leaks.
Reject vehicle if there is insufficient fluid in the reservoir; if there are broken, kinked or restricted fluid lines or hoses; if there is any leakage of fluid at the pump, steering gear or brake booster, or any of the lines or hoses in the system; or if belts are frayed, cracked or excessively worn.
4. Integrated hydraulic booster/anti-lock system operation. With the ignition key in the off position, depress brake pedal a minimum of 25 times to deplete all residual stored pressure in the accumulator. Depress pedal with a light foot-force (25 pounds). Place ignition key in the on position and allow 60 seconds for the brake warning light to go out and the electric pump to shut off.
Reject vehicle if the brake pedal does not move down slightly as the pump builds pressure or if the brake and anti-lock warning lights remain on longer than 60 seconds.
NOTE: The inspection of the ABS light is only for an integrated system that is an earlier system. The newer system that has the nonintegrated systems does not need to be checked. If the ABS system malfunctions on the newer system, the brake systems are still functional.
5. Condition of integrated hydraulic booster/anti-lock system with electronic pump. With the system fully charged, inspect system for fluid level and leaks.
Reject vehicle if there is insufficient fluid in the reservoir; if there are broken, kinked or restricted fluid lines or hoses; or if there is any leakage of fluid at the pump or brake booster, or any of the lines or hoses in the system.
6. Vacuum system operation. Stop engine then depress brake pedal several times to eliminate all vacuum in the system. Depress pedal with a light foot-force (25 pounds). While maintaining this force on the pedal, start engine and observe if pedal moves down slightly when engine starts.
Reject vehicle if pedal does not move down slightly as engine is started while force is on the brake pedal. In full vacuum-equipped vehicles, there is insufficient vacuum reserve for one full service brake application after engine is stopped.
7. Condition of vacuum booster power brake system. Reject vehicle if there are collapsed, cracked, broken, badly chafed or improperly supported hoses and tubes, loose or broken hose clamps.
F. Inspect for and reject if:
General Specifications - Hydraulic Brakes
1. There is any leakage in the master cylinder, wheel cylinders, or brake calipers. When checking for leakage in rear wheel cylinders, do not disturb the dust boot.
NOTE: Do not reject for the common dust ball formed on wheel cylinders or for wetness that may have spread to the backing plate unless it has contaminated the linings or drums as specified in subdivision D 8 of this section. Consumers should be advised of this wear so that they will be aware that repair may be needed before their next inspection. This may not warrant an immediate repair considering the dual valve master cylinder.
2. Fluid level in master cylinder is below the proper level for the particular vehicle.
3. There is any evidence of a caliper sticking or binding.
Electric Brake System
4. Trailers show an amperage value more than 20% above or 30% below the brake manufacturer's maximum current rating for each brake.
5. Amp meter shows no reading or indicator is not steady on application and release of brake controller.
6. Any terminal connections are loose or dirty; wires are broken, frayed, or unsupported; any single conductor nonstranded wires below the size recommended by the brake manufacturers are installed.
7. Electrical trailer brakes do not apply automatically when the breakaway safety switch is operated.
8. Breakaway braking devices are missing or inoperative; cable is frayed or broken.
General Specifications
9. Absence of braking action on any wheel required to have brakes.
10. There is any leakage in any hydraulic, air, or vacuum lines; hoses have any cracks, crimps, or restrictions or are abraded, exposing inner fabric; tubing or connections leak or are crimped, restricted, cracked, or broken; or any valves leak or are inoperative.
a. Reject the vehicle if the brake hoses or tubing are stretched or extended and do not allow for suspension movement.
b. Brake tubing and hoses must be:
(1) Long and flexible enough to accommodate without damage all normal motions of the parts to which they are attached;
(2) Secured against chaffing, kinking, or other mechanical damage; and
(3) Installed in a manner that prevents them from contacting the vehicle's exhaust system or any other source of high temperatures.
11. Any hydraulic brake tubing has been repaired using a compression fitting.
12. Brakes are not equalized so as to stop the vehicle on a straight line.
13. There is less than 1/5 reserve in actuator travel of the service brake when fully applied on all hydraulic, mechanical, or power-assisted hydraulic braking systems.
14. When tested on dry, hard, approximately level road free from loose material, at a speed of 20 miles per hour without leaving a 12-foot wide lane, results in excess of the following distances are obtained:
(When in doubt about a vehicle's stopping ability, the inspector shall conduct a road test.)
a. Any motor vehicle (except motorcycles, trucks, and tractor-trucks with semitrailers attached) four wheel brakes - 25 feet.
b. Any motor vehicle (except motorcycles, trucks, and tractor-trucks with semitrailers attached) two wheel brakes - 45 feet.
c. All combinations of vehicles - 40 feet.
19VAC30-70-140. Headlamps; except motorcycles.
A. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Any motor vehicle is not equipped with at least two headlamps of an approved type. An approved headlamp assembly that contains bulbs for both the high and low beams within the same housing shall be considered one headlamp. The headlamps must be marked with the headlamp manufacturer's name or trademark, and DOT. If the headlamp bulbs are replaceable, the headlamp lens must be marked with the headlamp light source type (bulb) for which it was designed and the bulb must match the lens code.
NOTE: If the headlamp system is stamped to accept halogen bulbs, then the replacement bulbs must be halogen as well. Retrofitting an HID or LED bulb to a halogen headlamp system does not conform to the standards set forth by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and shall be rejected.
If the entire headlamp assembly is changed from a halogen system to an LED system and does not require the manufacture's original wiring to be cut or compromised, then it shall be considered for inspection if it meets the requirements of subdivision A 2 of this section.
2. Headlights are not of the same approved type (Halogen, HID, LED, etc.) except for sealed beam headlamps, or the replacement headlamp system does not contain all properly marked DOT and SAE stamps certifying that it has met and complied with the standards set forth by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 108.
NOTE: Replacement headlamps stamped with a DOT or SAE approval and marked with the headlamp manufacturer's name or trademark shall be considered approved by the Superintendent of State Police and will not be required to be listed on the Virginia Motor Vehicle Approved Equipment List.
3. In any headlamp the lens is cracked, broken, discolored, or rotated away from the proper position, or the reflector is not clean and bright.
4. Moisture or water buildup in headlamp is such that it affects the aiming pattern.
5. Headlamps omit light other than white. Light tints of color may be acceptable if the headlamp and headlamp bulbs are marked as required.
6. Bulbs are not of an approved type and marked with all of the following: light source type, the manufacturer's name or trade mark, and DOT.
Approved headlamp bulbs: HB1, HB2, HB3, HB3A, HB4, HB4A, HB5, H1, H3, H7, H8, H8B, H9, H9B, H9C, H11, H11B, H11C, H13, H13C, H15, HIR1, HIR2, H18, H19.
Approved headlamp bulbs that require ballast: 9500, D1R, D1S, D2R, D2S, D3R, D3S, D4R, D4S, D5S, D7S, D8S, D9S.
Approved headlamp ballasts must be marked with the light source type (bulb) and DOT. The bulb type marked on the ballast must match the marking on the headlamp lens.
7. Any filament or bulb in headlamps fails to burn properly or headlamps are not at the same location or configuration as designed by manufacturer. (Location and type of headlamps can be found in subsection E of this section.)
8. Wiring is dangling or connections are loose, or if proper filaments do not burn at different switch positions; or if switches, including foot or hand dimmer, do not function properly and are not convenient to the driver.
9. Foreign material is placed on or in front of the headlamp lens or interferes with the beam from the lamp. No glazing may be placed over or in front of the headlamps unless it is a part of an approved headlamp assembly.
a. Reject if vehicle has wire, unapproved lens or plastic covers, any other materials that are not original equipment or any colored material placed on or in front of the headlamps.
b. Vehicles registered as street rods may have clear, rigid plastic or glass headlamp lens covers in front of sealed beam units to replace original manufacturer's equipment.
EXCEPTION: A clean impact film known as Headlight Savers produced by Grand Prix Motoring Accessories may be applied to the headlight lens to absorb impact of rocks, etc.
10. Lamps can be moved easily by hand due to a broken fender or loose support, or if a good ground is not made by the mounting.
11. Headlamps, auxiliary driving lamps and front fog lamps are not mounted so that the beams are aimable and the mounting does not prevent the aim of the lighting device from being disturbed while the vehicle is operating on public roads. All lamps shall be securely mounted on a rigid part of the vehicle.
12. A headlamp visor is over two inches long unless part of the original body design.
13. The high beam indicator in the driver's compartment does not burn when the high beam is on or does not go off when the low beam is on. (Vehicles not originally equipped with an indicator are not required to comply unless sealed beam headlamps have been installed.)
B. Aiming the headlamps.
1. Inspectors shall rely on their education, training, and experience to determine if the headlamps are properly aimed. If improper alignment is observed, headlamps shall be checked for proper aim by using an optical headlamp aimer, except on vehicles equipped with on-board aimers.
Headlamp aim on vehicles with on-board aimers shall be checked by visually examining the leveling device mounted either on or adjacent to the headlamp. Reject the vehicle if the leveling device shows the headlamp adjustment to exceed indicated specifications.
NOTE: Driving lamp and fog lamps must be visually inspected to ensure proper aiming. If improper alignment is observed, the optical aimer shall be used to correct any misalignment.
2. Headlamps are not aimed within the following tolerances using the optical aimer.
a. The center of the hot spot of all single element high beam lamps is set more than four inches up or down from the horizontal centerline or more than four inches to the left or right from the vertical centerline.
b. The left edge of the lamp pattern of any low beam lamp or any combination or multi-element lamp is more than four inches to the left or right of the vertical centerline or the top edge of the lamp pattern is more than four inches above or below the horizontal centerline when checked on low beam.
C. Optical aimer.
1. Optical aimers must be properly calibrated and used in the manner recommended by the manufacturer.
The optical headlamp machine must be aligned to the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
2. When aiming headlamps, first look for the type of lamp, which will be found embossed on the lens. The type determines which aiming requirements must be followed for the optical aimer.
3. All low beam or combination/multi-element headlamps must be set by aiming the lamp pattern with the lamps set on low beam.
NOTE: If attempting to align a composite or sealed beam lamp with a high and low beam within the same housing, align only the low beam. If aligning a four-lamp system with high and low beams in separate housings, it may be necessary to cover the low beam while aligning the high beam, if all four lamps are on at the same time.
4. Pattern should be aimed so that the left edge does not extend to the left or right of straight ahead, and the top of the pattern should be even with the horizontal.
Pattern "A" represents the light pattern as it should appear on the view screen of the approved aimer when checking the low-beam pattern on a single element headlamp or a combination multi-element headlamp.
5. All VOL and VOR headlamps will be aimed as follows:
To properly aim a combination multi-element or low-beam VOL or VOR headlamp assembly, the headlamp pattern should be aimed on low beam only.
Letters marked on the headlamp cover should properly identify VOL and VOR headlamps.
NOTE: VOL and VOR headlamps will normally have only one adjustment, which will be for the vertical aim only. The horizontal aim should be disregarded, as the horizontal aim is preset at the factory.
6. All single element high beam headlamps shall be set by aiming the center of the hot spot with the lamps set on high beam.
7. Aim straight ahead-center of the hot spot should be centered with the vertical and horizontal centerlines.
Pattern "B" represents the light pattern as it should appear on the view screen of the approved aimers.
8. When lamp pairs are mounted horizontally, the low beam lamp must be on the outer side and when mounted vertically, the low beam lamp must be at the higher position in the pair.
9. The four headlamp system must be wired so that only the lower beam lamp will burn when the light beams are depressed. When switched to high beams, both high beam and low beam may burn.
The "F" type halogen headlamp 1986 (LF-UF) of the four headlamp system will function in the following manner: system must be used so the low beam does not burn with the high beam.
D. Headlamps on vehicles used for snow removal. Approved auxiliary headlamps may be mounted above the conventional headlamps. (These lamps must be in compliance with this section in its entirety, subdivision 7 of 19VAC30-70-150, and 19VAC30-70-170.)
E. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Lamps are not an approved type as previously indicated in subdivision A 6 of this section.
2. Lamps are not mounted in a manner that will permit proper aiming.
3. Lamps are mounted so as to obstruct the driver's vision.
4. The auxiliary headlamp circuit does not contain a switch that will deactivate the primary headlamp system when the auxiliary headlamps are in use.
5. Auxiliary headlamps are not aimed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision B 2 of this section.
6. Headlamps are not wired in accordance with the provisions of subdivision C 8 of this section.
NOTE: Light patterns shown in the following diagram will be displayed on the most recently approved light machines produced by Hopkins and Symtech Corporations.
NOTE: Always inspect the following sealed beam and replaceable bulb and integral beam headlamps on LOW BEAM only:
- 5-3/4 inch, marked 2, 2C, or 2C1
- 7 inch, marked 2, 2D, or 2D1
- 100 X 165mm rectangular, marked 2A, 2A1, or 2E1, 2G1 or 2H1
- 200 X 142mm rectangular, marked 2B or 2B1
- Replaceable bulb headlamp, marked LF with 9004 (HB1)
- 92 X 160mm rectangular, marked LF
- Replaceable bulb headlamps with 9006 (HB4) alone or in combination with 9005 (HB3)
- 55 X 135mm rectangular, marked L
- Integral beam headlamp when high and low beam reflectors move together.
19VAC30-70-160. Auxiliary lamps: backup; cornering; driving; fog; spot and warning.
A. Auxiliary lamps on a vehicle consist of seven general types: backup lamps (SAE-R), cornering lamps (SAE-K), driving lamps (SAE-Y), front fog lamps with an amber or clear lens (SAE-F) and rear fog lamps with red lens (SAE-F2), spot lamps (SAE-O), warning lamps (SAE-W, W2, W3), and daytime running lamps (DRLs) (SAE-Y2).
B. School buses may be equipped with an eight-lamp warning system of two red and two amber warning lamps of an approved type (SAE-W2) on the front and rear of such vehicle.
1. School buses may also be equipped with roof-mounted flashing white or amber warning lamps of an approved type (SAE-W2).
2. In addition to required warning lamps, school buses may be equipped with a stop signal arm consisting of an octagonal sign which meets FMVSS specifications (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, 49 CFR Part 571). The stop signal arm shall be reflectorized or be equipped with two red warning lamps of an approved type.
C. There is no limit on the number of backup lamps that a vehicle may have so long as they are of an approved type (SAE-R).
D. No more than four lamps, including two headlamps, may be lighted at any time to provide general illumination ahead of the vehicle. An approved headlamp assembly that contains bulbs for both high and low beams within the same housing shall be considered one headlamp.
E. Approved type (SAE-W) (i) blue or; (ii)
blue and red lights; (iii) blue and white; or (iv) red, white, and
blue lights are permitted on Department of Corrections vehicles designated
by the Director of the Department of Corrections and any law-enforcement
vehicle. Law-enforcement vehicles may also be equipped with steady-burning
blue or red warning lights of types approved by the superintendent.
1. Approved type secondary warning lights installed only on the four corners, on law-enforcement vehicles, Department of Corrections, fire apparatus, government-owned vehicle operated on official business by a local fire chief or other local fire official, rescue squad vehicle, ambulance, or any other emergency medical vehicles. These lights shall also have primary warning lights installed.
2. The hide-away or undercover strobe lights shall be installed
in the headlamp assemblies, side marker lights, tail lights or parking
lights. The strobe itself must be clear and the lens color must continue to be
the same type and color as originally approved. It will not be permissible
to install the hide-away lights in the headlights.
3. Approved type (SAE-W) red warning lights or red and white lights showing to the front are permitted on fire department vehicles, including publicly-owned state forest warden vehicles, ambulances, any rescue vehicle used for emergency calls, local department of emergency management, animal warden vehicles, school buses and vehicles used by security personnel at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, Bassett-Walker, Incorporated, the Tultex Corporation, the Winchester Medical Center, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Wallops Flight Facility.
4. No more than two flashing or steady-burning red lights or red and white combination lights of an approved type (SAE-W) may be installed on one vehicle owned by any member of a fire department, volunteer fire company or volunteer rescue squad, any ambulance driver employed by a privately-owned ambulance service, and any police chaplain.
F. Vehicles mentioned in subsection E of this section
permitted to be equipped with flashing, blinking or alternating red, red and
white, blue, or blue and red (i) blue; (ii) blue and red; (iii) blue and
white; or (iv) red, white, and blue emergency lights (except vehicles owned
by any member of a fire department, volunteer fire company, volunteer rescue
squad or any ambulance driver employed by a privately-owned ambulance service)
may be equipped with the means to flash their headlamps when their emergency
warning lamps are activated provided:
1. The headlamps are wired to allow either the upper beam or lower beam to flash but not both.
2. The headlamp system includes a switch or device which prevents flashing of headlamps when headlamps are required to be lighted pursuant to current statute.
3. Emergency vehicles in Chesapeake, Poquoson, and York County may be equipped with flashing headlights that will function whenever their warning lights are activated.
G. Any firefighting vehicle, ambulance, rescue or life-saving vehicle, Virginia Department of Transportation vehicle, or tow truck may be equipped with clear auxiliary lamps which shall be used exclusively for lighting emergency scenes. Such lamps shall be of a type permitted by the superintendent. Any government-owned police vehicle may be equipped with clear auxiliary lamps of a type approved by the superintendent.
H. Approved type (SAE-W) amber flashing, blinking or alternating lights are permitted on vehicles used for the principal purpose of towing or servicing disabled vehicles or in constructing, maintaining and repairing highways or utilities on or along public highways and vehicles used for the principal purpose of removing hazardous or polluting substances from the state waters or drainage areas on or along public highways. Such lamps are permitted on vehicles used for servicing automatic teller machines, refuse collection vehicles, hi-rail vehicles and on vehicles used for towing or escorting over-dimensional materials, equipment, boats, or manufactured housing units by authority of highway hauling permit.
1. Approved type (SAE-W) amber flashing, blinking or alternating lights are permitted on fire apparatus, government-owned vehicles operated on official business by a local fire chief or other local fire official, rescue squad vehicles, ambulances, and any other emergency medical vehicles to be equipped with alternating blinking or flashing red, or red and white secondary lights mounted inside the vehicle's tail lights or marker lights.
2. Approved type (SAE-W) amber flashing, blinking or alternating lights are permitted on vehicles owned and used by municipal safety officers in the performance of their official duties, businesses providing security services and vehicles used to collect and deliver the United States mail, vehicles used by law-enforcement personnel in the enforcement of laws governing motor vehicle parking, government-owned law-enforcement vehicles provided the lights are used for giving directional warning, and vehicles used to provide escort for funeral processions. Directional warning lights shall not be utilized while in motion.
3. Approved type (SAE-W) amber flashing, blinking or alternating lights are permitted on vehicles used as pace cars, security vehicles, or firefighting vehicles by any speedway or motor vehicle race track.
4. An approved type (SAE-W) amber flashing, blinking or alternating light may be mounted on the rear of any vehicle used to transport petroleum products. The light must be wired through the reverse gear circuit and activate in conjunction with the back-up lights and audible alarm.
5. An approved type (SAE-W) green warning light is permitted on vehicles used by police, firefighting, or rescue personnel as command centers at the scene of incidents. Such lights shall not be activated while the vehicle is operating upon the highway.
6. Approved type (SAE-W) colored warning lights may be used by dealers or businesses engaged in the sale of fire, emergency medical services, or law-enforcement vehicles. They may, for demonstration purposes, equip such vehicles with colored warning lights.
I. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Auxiliary lamp is being used for a purpose other than for which it is manufactured or previously approved by the superintendent.
2. Auxiliary lamp does not have a clear lens.
3. Any reflector in such auxiliary lamp device is not clear.
EXCEPTIONS: An auxiliary lighting device that is both covered and unlit shall not be considered for inspection. An auxiliary lighting device that has a clear lens, has clear reflectors, and is unlit shall not be considered for inspection. Fog and driving lamps mounted below the level of the regular headlamps must be checked for aim as outlined in subdivisions I 12 h and 13 f of this section if not covered.
NOTE: The covers shall be a type that would be installed as original equipment and not tape, paper bags, aluminum foil or similar materials.
4. A vehicle has installed on it a warning lamp (SAE-W) that is not of an approved type or has been altered.
Reject if the vehicle has wire, unapproved lens or plastic covers, any other materials that are not original equipment or any colored material placed on or in front of any auxiliary lamps: backup, cornering, driving, fog, spot, or warning lamps.
5. Motor vehicles may be equipped with more than two fog or auxiliary lights; however, only two of these types of lights can be illuminated at any time. Reject a vehicle equipped with a headlamp mounted or used as an auxiliary lamp.
6. Vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary lamp that does not function properly. (If an auxiliary lamp has been modified by removing the wiring, bulb and socket, the unit will be considered an ornament and not a lamp and will not be considered in inspection.)
7. Vehicle is equipped with a lighted advertising sign, except commercial motor vehicles, buses operated as public carriers, taxicabs, and privately-owned passenger cars used for home delivery of commercially prepared food. Commercial motor vehicles, buses operated as public carriers, and taxicabs may be equipped with vacant and destination signs and one steady burning white light for the nighttime illumination of external advertising. Privately-owned passenger cars used for home delivery of commercially prepared food may be equipped with one steady burning white light for the nighttime illumination of a sign identifying the business delivering the food. Do not reject approved identification lights.
8. Any lamp is not of an approved type or if lamps to be burned together as a pair do not emit the same color light.
9. The lens has a piece broken from it. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted.
10. Backup lamps are not required. However, if installed they must operate and be inspected.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. Required lamps are not of an approved type (SAE-R) or a lamp has been altered;
b. Wiring or electrical connections are defective or filaments do not burn;
c. The lens has a piece broken from it. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted;
d. Lens is other than clear. LED (light-emitting diode) lights with a clear lens are acceptable if of an approved type. For those vehicles that are equipped with a multiple LED light (not filament-burning bulbs), they will pass inspection if more than 50% of the diode lights are burning;
e. Lamps are not wired into the reverse gear. Vehicles manufactured without backup lamps may be wired into an independent circuit.
11. Cornering lamps are not required. However, if installed they must operate and be inspected.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. Required lamps are not of an approved type (SAE-K) or a lamp has been altered;
b. Wiring or electrical connections are defective or filaments do not burn;
c. The lens has a piece broken from it. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted;
d. The color of the light is other than clear or amber;
e. The lamps do not burn in conjunction with the turn signals.
12. Driving lamps are not required. However, if installed they must operate and be inspected.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. Driving lamps are installed on vehicles equipped with the four-headlamp system, except the "F" type headlamp system;
b. Driving lamps are not of an approved type or have been altered;
c. The color of the lamp is other than white;
d. The lens has a piece broken from it or is rotated away from its proper position. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted;
e. Wiring or electrical connections are defective;
f. Any driving lamp is mounted above the level of the regular headlamps, or is not mounted firmly to prevent excessive vibration;
g. Driving lamps are not wired so that they will burn only when the high beams of the regular headlamps are activated;
h. Driving lamps are not aimed so that the center of the hot spot drops three inches in 25 feet so that the hot spot is directly ahead of the lamp.
NOTE: Driving lamps must be aimed using the optical headlight aimer. A tolerance of four inches in 25 feet is allowed in both the horizontal and the vertical adjustment.
13. Fog lamps are not required. However, if installed they must operate and be inspected.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. A vehicle may be equipped with more than two fog lamps; however, not more than two fog lamps can be illuminated at any time;
b. The lens is other than clear or amber. Fog lamps may have black-end bulbs or small metal caps over the end of the bulb;
c. The lens has a piece broken from it or is rotated away from its proper position. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted;
d. Wiring or electrical connections are defective or filaments do not burn;
e. Any fog lamp is mounted above the level of the regular headlamps, or is not mounted firmly;
f. Lamps are not wired and aimed according to the following instructions:
(1) Fog lamps are general illumination lamps as covered in subsection A of this section. They must burn through the tail light circuit even if on a separate switch. If installed on a vehicle with a four-headlamp system, or a vehicle equipped with driving lamps, they must be wired into the low beam circuit.
(2) Fog lamps must be aimed so that the top edge of the high intensity zone is set at the horizontal centerline and the left edge of the high intensity zone is set at the vertical centerline. (Same as low beam headlights.)
NOTE: Fog lamps must be aimed using the optical headlight aimer. A tolerance of four inches in 25 feet is allowed in both the horizontal and the vertical adjustment.
14. Spot lamps are not required; however, if installed they must operate and be inspected.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. Vehicle is equipped with more than two spot lamps;
b. Lamps are not of an approved type (SAE-O) or a lamp has been altered;
c. The lens in any spot lamp is other than clear;
d. The lens has a piece broken from it or is rotated away from its proper position. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the crack. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted;
e. Wiring or electrical connections are defective or filaments do not burn.
15. Daytime running lamps (DRLs) are not required. However, if installed they must operate and be inspected. DRLs must be installed in pairs.
NOTE: DRLs may or may not be wired into the tail light circuit.
Inspect for and reject if:
a. Any lamp, except headlamps, used as DRLs if not an approved type (SAE-Y2) and is not marked "DRL";
b. Fog lamps or parking lamps are used as DRLs;
c. More than one pair of lamps is used and designated as DRLs;
d. A DRL is mounted higher than 34 inches measured to the center of the lamp;
e. The color is other than white to amber;
f. DRLs do not deactivate when the headlamps are in any "on" position.
Any DRL optically combined with a turn signal or hazard lamp must deactivate when the turn signal or hazard lamp is activated and then reactivate when the turn signal or hazard lamp deactivates.
19VAC30-70-190. Signal device (intention to stop or turn), hazard lights, stop lamp.
A. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with a switch that will permit all turn signal lamps to flash simultaneously.
B. Supplemental turn signals, properly wired into the turn signal circuit, may be installed. These may be either approved type turn signals or clearance lamps.
C. Single face lamps are permissible on the front, except tractor units shall be equipped with two-faced lamps mounted on the front fenders or on or near the front of the vehicle.
D. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Motor vehicle, or trailer, except an antique vehicle not
originally equipped with a stop lamp, is not equipped with at least one stop
lamp two brake lights of an approved type (DOT or SAE-S) that
automatically exhibits a red or amber light to the rear when the brake pedal is
2. Every passenger car manufactured for the 1986 or subsequent model year and multipurpose passenger vehicle, truck, or bus whose overall width is less than 80 inches, manufactured September 1, 1993, and subsequent model year is not equipped with a supplemental center high mount stop lamp of an approved type (DOT or SAE-U, U1 or U2) mounted at the vertical centerline of the vehicle which functions only in cooperation with the vehicle's stop lamps, brake lights and hazard lights. Any other vehicle on which a supplemental center high mount stop lamp is mounted shall have the lamp mounted at the vertical center line of the vehicle. The lamps shall be of an approved type and shall function only in conjunction with the stop lamps. The high mount stop lamp must be steady burning and not wired to flash with turn signals or other wig-wag device.
"Multipurpose passenger vehicle" means any motor vehicle that is (i) designed to carry no more than 10 persons and (ii) constructed either on a truck chassis or with special features for occasional off-road use.
NOTE: Camper shells or rear spoilers that obscure the original manufacturer's high mount stop lamp must be equipped with a center high mount stop lamp in good working order.
NOTE: The original manufacturer's center high mount stop lamp will not be considered for inspection if it is obscured by a camper shell or rear spoiler that is equipped with a center high mount stop lamp of an approved type.
NOTE: Multipurpose passenger vehicles with an overall width of 80 or more inches or GVWR of 10,000 pounds or more are not required to be equipped with a center high mount stop light.
NOTE: No sticker or other foreign material shall be affixed to the vehicle in such a manner so as to obscure the center high mount stop lamp.
3. Proper signals do not go on with each throw of the switch or if stop signals do not go on with slightest pressure on the brake pedal. Turn signals may flash, however stop signals may not flash except when the vehicle is equipped with a brake warning system or device which will cause the brake lights to flash when the vehicle is in motion but committed to an emergency or panic stop.
4. Motor vehicle was manufactured after January 1, 1955, and is not equipped with approved signaling devices (SAE-I).
5. Vehicle is not equipped with a turn signal if such signal is not working properly or does not continue to function in the same manner as when it was originally manufactured. (The turn signal switch shall lock in place when positioned for a left turn or a right turn, and the turn signal indicators must function. Do not reject a vehicle if the self-canceling mechanism in the switch does not function when the steering wheel is rotated.).
6. Switch is not convenient to the driver and not of an approved type.
7. Any vehicle so constructed so as to prevent the operator from making a hand and arm signal, if such vehicle is not equipped with an approved type signaling device.
8. Turn signal lens is not clear or amber to the front, or red or amber to the rear. Lens or bulb color has been altered or modified. If the turn signal lens is clear, then the bulb shall be amber.
NOTE: The pink color lens found on 1998 and 1999 Honda Accords emit the proper color light (amber) when the lamp is activated. There may be other manufacturers using the same configuration and are not in violation of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
9. Wiring or electrical connections are defective or filaments do not burn.
NOTE: LED (light-emitting diode) lights with a clear lens are acceptable if of an approved type. For those vehicles that are equipped with a multiple LED light (not filament-burning bulbs), they will pass inspection if more than 50% of the diode lights are burning.
10. Lens has a piece broken from it. The lens may have one or more cracks provided an off-color light does not project through the cracks. Taping or gluing cracks or pieces is not permitted.
11. The hazard warning signal operating unit does not operate independently of the ignition or equivalent switch and when activated cause all turn signals to flash simultaneously.
NOTE: They are deemed not to be installed if none of the lights burn or flash when the switch is activated and the hazard warning signal flasher unit has been removed.
12. Device is not mounted near the rear for rear signals or near the front for front signals (except supplemental turn signals) or if the signal is hidden by a bolster or other part of body chassis.
13. All "Class A" signals are not mounted at least three feet apart. (This does not apply to the combination rear signal device.) However, signal lamps that are mounted as far apart as practical inside and at the rear of the frame so as to be properly visible will meet inspection requirements.
14. Any vehicle has wire, unapproved lens or plastic covers, any other materials that are not original equipment or any colored material placed on or in front of the signal device (intention to stop or turn), hazard lights or stop lamp.
19VAC30-70-580. Glass and glazing.
A. Motor vehicles may be inspected without windshields, side glasses, or any kind of glazing except that any motor vehicle other than a motorcycle that was manufactured, assembled, or reconstructed after July 1, 1970, must be equipped with a windshield. If glass or other glazing is installed, it must be inspected. If no windshield is installed, see 19VAC30-70-50 C for location of the sticker.
B. Inspect for and reject if:
1. Any motor vehicle manufactured or assembled after January 1, 1936, or any bus or school bus manufactured or assembled after January 1, 1935, is not equipped throughout with safety glass, or other safety glazing material. (This requirement includes slide-in campers used on pickups or trucks, caps, or covers used on pickup trucks, motor homes, and vans.)
2. Any safety glass or glazing used in a motor vehicle is not of an approved type and properly identified (refer to approved equipment section). (Replacement safety glass installed in any part of a vehicle other than the windshield need not bear a trademark or name, provided the glass consists of two or more sheets of glass separated by a glazing material, and provided the glass is cut from a piece of approved safety glass, and provided the edge of the glass can be observed.)
3. Any glass at any location where glass is used is cracked or broken so that it is likely to cut or injure a person in the vehicle.
4. Windshield has any cloudiness more than three inches above the bottom, one inch inward from the outer borders, one inch down from the top, or one inch inward from the center strip. The bottom of the windshield shall be defined as the point where the top of the dash contacts the windshield.
5. Any distortion or obstruction that interferes with a driver's vision; any alteration has been made to a vehicle that obstructs the driver's clear view through the windshield. This may include large objects hanging from the inside mirror or mounted to the windshield, cell phone mounts, GPS devices, CB radios or tachometers mounted on the dash or windshield, hood scoops, and other ornamentation on or in front of the hood that is not transparent.
a. Any hood scoop installed on any motor vehicle manufactured for the year 1990 or earlier model year cannot exceed 2-1/4 inches high at its highest point measured from the junction of the dashboard and the windshield.
b. Any hood scoop installed on any motor vehicle manufactured for the year 1991 or subsequent model year cannot exceed 1-1/8 inches high at its highest point measured from the junction of the dashboard and the windshield.
NOTE: Antennas, transponders, and similar devices must not be mounted more than 152 mm (six inches) below the upper edge of the windshield. These devices must be located outside the area swept by the windshield wipers, and outside the driver's sight lines to the road and highway signs and signals.
NOTE: Vehicles 10,001 pounds (GVWR) or more, submitted for
inspection, with a navigational device, video event recording device, or a
crash avoidance camera mounted on the interior of the windshield, when the
entire device is mounted not more than four inches below the upper edge of the
area swept by the windshield wipers or any other location outside the not
more than seven inches above the lower edge of the area swept by the
windshield wipers, shall be issued an approval sticker if no other violations
are detected.
6. Windshield glass, on the driver's side, has any scratch more than 1/4 inch in width and six inches long within the area covered by the windshield wiper blade, excluding the three inches above the bottom of the windshield. A windshield wiper that remains parked within the driver's side windshield wiper area shall be rejected.
EXCEPTION: Do not reject safety grooves designed to clean wiper blades if the grooves do not extend upward from the bottom of the windshield more than six inches at the highest point.
7. There is a pit, chip, or star crack larger than 3/4 inch in diameter at any location in the windshield above the topmost portion of the steering wheel except the two-inch border at each side.
8. At any location above the topmost portion of the steering wheel excluding a two-inch border at the top and one-inch border at the sides there is:
a. Any crack over 1/4 inch in width.
b. Any crack 1/4 inch or less in width intersected by another crack.
c. Any damage area 3/4 inch or less in diameter if within three inches of any other damage area.
9. Any sticker is on the windshield other than an official one required by law, or permitted by the superintendent. Authorization is hereby granted for stickers or decals, to include those required by any county, town, or city, measuring not more than 2-1/2 inches in width and four inches in length to be placed in the blind spot behind the rear view mirror. The normal location for any required county, town, or city sticker or decal is adjacent to the right side of official inspection sticker when viewed from inside the vehicle. The top edge of the sticker is to be approximately four inches from the bottom of the windshield. The left side edge adjacent to the official inspection sticker shall not be more than 1/4-inch from the right edge of the official inspection sticker when viewed from inside the vehicle. Valid Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspection decals, or similar commercial vehicle inspection decal issued by local law enforcement, may be placed at the bottom right corner of the windshield when viewed from inside the vehicle. The top edge of such decals are to be approximately four inches from the bottom of the windshield when viewed from inside the vehicle and are to be located outside the area swept by the windshield wipers.
Any sticker or decal required by the laws of any other state or the District of Columbia and displayed upon the windshield of a vehicle submitted for inspection in this state is permitted by the superintendent, provided the vehicle is currently registered in that jurisdiction and the sticker is displayed in a manner designated by the issuing authority and has not expired. This includes vehicles with dual registration, i.e., Virginia and the District of Columbia.
NOTE: Toll transponder devices may be affixed to the inside center of the windshield at the roof line just above the rear view mirror. If space does not allow, then it may be affixed to the immediate right of the mirror at the roof line.
NOTE: A licensed motor vehicle dealer may apply one transponder sticker no larger than one inch by four inches and one barcode sticker no larger than three inches by four inches to the driver's side edge of a vehicle's windshield to be removed upon the sale or lease of the vehicle provided that it does not extend below the AS-1 line. In the absence of an AS-1 line, the sticker cannot extend more than three inches downward from the top of the windshield.
NOTE: Any vehicle displaying an expired sticker or decal on its windshield at the time of inspection, excluding a rejection sticker, shall not be issued an approval sticker unless the owner or operator authorizes its removal. A rejection sticker will be issued versus an involuntary removal.
10. Sunshading material attached to the windshield extends more than three inches downward from the top of the windshield, unless authorized by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and indicated on the vehicle registration.
NOTE: Sunshading material on the windshield displaying words, lettering, numbers or pictures that do not extend below the AS-1 line are permitted.
NOTE: Vehicles with logos made into the glass at the factory that meet federal standards will pass state inspection.
11. Any sunscreening material is scratched, distorted, wrinkled or obscures or distorts clear vision through the glazing.
12. Front side windows have cloudiness above three inches from the bottom of the glass, or other defects that affect the driver's vision or one or more cracks which permit one part of the glass to be moved in relation to another part. Wind silencers, breezes or other ventilator adaptors are not made of clear transparent material.
13. Glass in the left front door cannot be lowered so a hand signal can be given. (This does not apply to vehicle equipped with approved turn signals which were not designed or manufactured for left front glass to be lowered.) If either front door has the glass removed and material inserted in place of the glass which could obstruct the driver's vision.
Exception: Sunscreening material is permissible if the vehicle is equipped with a mirror on each side.
14. Any sticker or other obstruction is on either front side window, rear side windows, or rear windows. (The price label, fuel economy label and the buyer's guide required by federal statute and regulations to be affixed to new or used vehicles by the manufacturer shall normally be affixed to one of the rear side windows.) If a vehicle only has two door windows, the labels may be affixed to one of these windows. If a vehicle does not have any door or side windows, the labels may be temporarily affixed to the right side of the windshield until the vehicle is sold to the first purchaser.
NOTE: A single sticker no larger than 20 square inches in area, if such sticker is totally contained within the lower five inches of the glass in the rear window or a single sticker or decal no larger than 10 square inches located in an area not more than three inches above the bottom and not more than eight inches from the rearmost edge of either front side window, is permissible and should not be rejected.
Do not reject a tractor truck having a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more equipped with one optically grooved clear plastic wide angle lens affixed to the right front side window. Such wide angle lens shall not extend upward from the bottom of the window opening more than six inches or backward from the front of the window opening more than eight inches.
15. Rear window is clouded or distorted so that the driver does not have a view 200 feet to the rear.
EXCEPTIONS: The following are permissible if the vehicle is equipped with a mirror on each side:
a. There is attached to one rear window of such motor vehicle one optically grooved clear plastic right angle rear view lens, not exceeding 18 inches in diameter in the case of a circular lens or not exceeding 11 inches by 14 inches in the case of a rectangular lens, which enables the operator of the motor vehicle to view below the line of sight as viewed through the rear window.
b. There is affixed to the rear side windows, rear window or windows of such motor vehicle any sticker or stickers, regardless of size.
c. There is affixed to the rear side windows, rear window or windows of such motor vehicle a single layer of sunshading material.
d. Rear side windows, rear window or windows is clouded or distorted.
FORMS (19VAC30-70)
Safety Inspector Notification Form (rev. 6/2012)
Mechanics Certification Application, SP-170-B (rev. 6/2012)
- must be obtained from Virginia State Police area office
Criminal History Record Name Search Request, SP-167 (rev.
12/2012) - must be obtained from Virginia State Police area office
Authorization for Release of Information, SP-170-D (rev.
10/2013) - must be obtained from Virginia State Police area office
Safety Inspector Application, SP‑170‑B, (rev. 8/2017)
Virginia Criminal History Records Name Search Request, SP‑167, (rev. 10/2018)
Authorization for Release of Information, SP‑170‑D, (rev. 8/2017)
Inspection Station Complaint/Report, SP-164 (rev. 10/2001)
Safety Inspector Applicant Worksheet (undated, filed 7/2020)
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Name Search Request Form, SP‑266 (rev. 4/2017)