Proposed Text
18VAC110-20-275. Delivery of dispensed prescriptions.
A. Pursuant to ยง 54.1-3420.2 B of the Code of Virginia, in addition to direct hand delivery to a patient or patient's agent or delivery to a patient's residence, a pharmacy may deliver a dispensed prescription drug order for Schedule VI controlled substances to another pharmacy, to a practitioner of the healing arts licensed to practice pharmacy or to sell controlled substances, or to an authorized person or entity holding a controlled substances registration issued for this purpose in compliance with this section and any other applicable state or federal law. Prescription drug orders for Schedule II through Schedule V controlled substances may not be delivered to an alternate delivery location unless such delivery is authorized by federal law and regulations of the board.
B. Delivery to another pharmacy.
1. One pharmacy may fill prescriptions and deliver the
prescriptions to a second pharmacy for patient pickup pick-up or
direct delivery to the patient provided the two pharmacies have the same owner,
or have a written contract or agreement specifying the services to be provided
by each pharmacy, the responsibilities of each pharmacy, and the manner in
which each pharmacy will comply with all applicable federal and state law.
2. Each pharmacy using such a drug delivery system shall maintain and comply with all procedures in a current policy and procedure manual that includes the following information:
a. A description of how each pharmacy will comply with all applicable federal and state law;
b. The procedure for maintaining required, retrievable
dispensing records to include which pharmacy maintains the hard-copy
prescription, which pharmacy maintains the active prescription record for
refilling purposes, how each pharmacy will access prescription information
necessary to carry out its assigned responsibilities, method of recordkeeping
for identifying the pharmacist or pharmacists responsible for dispensing
the prescription and counseling the patient, and how and where this information
can be accessed upon request by the board;
c. The procedure for tracking the prescription during each stage of the filling, dispensing, and delivery process;
d. The procedure for identifying on the prescription label all pharmacies involved in filling and dispensing the prescription. A unique identifier on the prescription label is not required to identify a pharmacy solely involved in the holding of a prescription for pick-up or further delivery when that pharmacy has not shared in other filling or dispensing functions;
e. The policy and procedure for providing adequate security to protect the confidentiality and integrity of patient information;
f. The policy and procedure for ensuring accuracy and accountability in the delivery process;
g. The procedure and recordkeeping for returning to the initiating pharmacy any prescriptions that are not delivered to the patient; and
h. The procedure for informing the patient and obtaining consent for using such a dispensing and delivery process.
3. Drugs waiting to be picked up at or delivered from the second pharmacy shall be stored in accordance with subsection A of 18VAC110-20-200.
C. Delivery to a practitioner of the healing arts licensed by the board to practice pharmacy or to sell controlled substances or other authorized person or entity holding a controlled substances registration authorized for this purpose.
1. A prescription may be delivered by a pharmacy to the office of such a practitioner or other authorized person provided there is a written contract or agreement between the two parties describing the procedures for such a delivery system and the responsibilities of each party.
2. Each pharmacy using this delivery system shall maintain a policy and procedure manual that includes the following information:
a. Procedure for tracking and assuring security, accountability, integrity, and accuracy of delivery for the dispensed prescription from the time it leaves the pharmacy until it is handed to the patient or agent of the patient;
b. Procedure for providing counseling;
c. Procedure and recordkeeping for return of any prescription medications not delivered to the patient;
d. The procedure Procedure for assuring
confidentiality of patient information; and
e. The procedure Procedure for informing the
patient and obtaining consent for using such a delivery process.
3. Prescriptions waiting to be picked up by a patient at the alternate site shall be stored in a lockable room or lockable cabinet, cart, or other device that cannot be easily moved and that shall be locked at all times when not in use. Access shall be restricted to the licensed practitioner of the healing arts or the responsible party listed on the application for the controlled substances registration, or either person's designee.
D. The contracts or agreements and the policy and procedure manuals required by this section for alternate delivery shall be maintained both at the originating pharmacy as well as the alternate delivery site.
E. A controlled substances registration as an alternate delivery site shall only be issued to an entity without a prescriber or pharmacist present at all times the site is open if there is a valid patient health or safety reason not to deliver dispensed prescriptions directly to the patient and if compliance with all requirements for security, policies, and procedures can be reasonably assured.