Proposed Text
Part VI
Additional Requirements for Selected Services
Article 1
Medication Assisted Treatment (Opioid Treatment Services)
12VAC35-105-925. Standards for the evaluation of new licenses for providers of services to individuals with opioid addiction.
A. Applicants requesting an initial license to provide a service for the treatment of opioid addiction through the use of methadone or any other opioid treatment medication or controlled substance shall supply information to the department that demonstrates the appropriateness of the proposed service in accordance with this section.
B. The proposed site of the service shall comply with ยง
37.2-406 of the Code of Virginia and, with the exception of services that
are proposed to be located in Planning District 8, shall not be located within
one-half mile of a public or private licensed day care center or a public or
private K-12 school.
C. In jurisdictions without zoning ordinances, the department shall request that the local governing body advise it as to whether the proposed site is suitable for and compatible with use as an office and the delivery of health care services. The department shall make this request when it notifies the local governing body of a pending application.
D. Applicants shall demonstrate that the building or space to be used to provide the proposed service is suitable for the treatment of opioid addiction by submitting documentation of the following:
1. The proposed site complies with the requirements of the local building regulatory entity;
2. The proposed site complies with local zoning laws or ordinances, including any required business licenses;
3. In the absence of local zoning ordinances, the proposed site is suitable for and compatible with use as offices and the delivery of health care services;
4. In jurisdictions where there are no parking ordinances, the proposed site has sufficient off-street parking to accommodate the needs of the individuals being served and prevent the disruption of traffic flow;
5. The proposed site can accommodate individuals during periods of inclement weather;
6. The proposed site complies with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code; and
7. The applicant has a written plan to ensure security for storage of methadone at the site, which complies with regulations of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.
E. Applicants shall submit information to demonstrate that there are sufficient personnel available to meet the following staffing requirements and qualifications:
1. The program director shall be licensed or certified by the applicable Virginia health regulatory board or by a nationally recognized certification board or eligible for this license or certification with relevant training, experience, or both, in the treatment of individuals with opioid addiction;
2. The medical director shall be a board-certified addictionologist or have successfully completed or will complete within one year a course of study in opiate addiction that is approved by the department;
3. A minimum of one pharmacist;
4. Nurses;
5. Counselors shall be licensed or certified by the applicable Virginia health regulatory board or by a nationally recognized certification board or eligible for this license or certification; and
6. Personnel to provide support services.
F. Applicants shall submit a description for the proposed service that includes:
1. Proposed mission, philosophy, and goals of the provider;
2. Care, treatment, and services to be provided, including a comprehensive discussion of levels of care provided and alternative treatment strategies offered;
3. Proposed hours and days of operation;
4. Plans for on-site security; and
5. A diversion control plan for dispensed medications, including policies for use of drug screens.
G. Applicants shall, in addition to the requirements of 12VAC35-105-580 C 2, provide documentation of their capability to provide the following services and support directly or by arrangement with other specified providers when such services and supports are (i) requested by an individual being served or (ii) identified as an individual need, based on the assessment conducted in accordance with 12VAC35-105-60 B and included in the individualized services plan:
1. Psychological services;
2. Social services;
3. Vocational services;
4. Educational services; and
5. Employment services.
H. Applicants shall submit documentation of contact with community services boards or behavioral health authorities in their service areas to discuss their plans for operating in the area and to develop joint agreements, as appropriate.
I. Applicants shall provide policies and procedures that each individual served to be assessed every six months by the treatment team to determine if that individual is appropriate for safe and voluntary medically supervised withdrawal, alternative therapies including other medication assisted treatments, or continued federally approved pharmacotherapy treatment for opioid addiction.
J. Applicants shall submit policies and procedures describing services they will provide to individuals who wish to discontinue opioid treatment services.
K. Applicants shall provide assurances that the service will have a community liaison responsible for developing and maintaining cooperative relationships with community organizations, other service providers, local law enforcement, local government officials, and the community at large.
L. The department shall conduct announced and unannounced reviews and complaint investigations in collaboration with the Virginia Board of Pharmacy and DEA to determine compliance with the regulations.