Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality

General Notice
Availability of Fish Tissue And Sediment Sample Data
Date Posted: 12/11/2005
Expiration Date: 1/9/2006
Submitted to Registrar for publication: NO
No comment forum defined for this notice.

Pursuant to Section 62.1-44.19: 6.A.3 of the Code of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality  (DEQ) is giving notice that new data concerning the presence of toxic contaminants in fish tissue and sediments are available for the fish and sediment monitoring performed by DEQ in the calendar year 2004.  The DEQ routine fish and sediment monitoring in 2004 was performed at selected sites in the New River drainage and the Potomac River Drainage, and at special sites in Beaver Creek, Knox Creek, Smith Mountain Lake, Dragon Swamp, the Great Dismal Swamp and Blackwater River as well as several smaller waterbodies.   Data for the fish and sediment samples collected in 2004 have been are posted on the DEQ web site at


Contact Information
Name / Title: Alex Barron 
Address: 629 East Main Street
Richmond, 23240
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4119