Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Department of Criminal Justice Services

General Notice
2017 New Performance Outcomes for Noncustodial Employees of the Department of Corrections
Date Posted: 3/9/2017
Expiration Date: 5/9/2017
Submitted to Registrar for publication: NO
60 Day Comment Forum closed. Began on 3/10/2017 and ended 5/9/2017

Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

 2017 New Performance Outcomes for Noncustodial Employees of the Department of Corrections

Opportunity for Public Comment


The Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is providing notice of new performance outcomes for noncustodial employees of the Department of Corrections.  You may provide public comment through the Regulatory Town Hall public comment forum or during the public comment period at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee on Training (COT). Upon hearing and reviewing comments the Committee on Training (COT) will decide to adopt or reject in whole or in part the new performance outcomes. Those revisions that are adopted by the COT will be published in the Virginia Register of Regulations for a minimum of 30 days before becoming effective.

The new performance outcomes can be viewed on the DCJS website on the Law Enforcement page clicking on the tab labeled “2017 New Performance Outcomes for Noncustodial Employees of the Department of Corrections

Contact Information
Name / Title: Barbara Peterson-Wilson   / Law Enforcement Program Coordinator
Address: 1100 Bank Street, 12th Floor
Richmond , 23219
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)225-4503    FAX: (804)786-0410    TDD: ()-