Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality

General Notice
General Notice - Notice of Intent for Solar Energy Project in Brink, Virginia
Date Posted: 3/15/2016
Expiration Date: 4/4/2016
Submitted to Registrar for publication: YES
No comment forum defined for this notice.

SolUnesco LLC, has provided notice to the Department of Environmental Quality of its intent to submit the necessary documentation for a permit by rule for a small renewable energy project (solar) in Brink, Virginia, pursuant to Virginia Regulation 9VAC15-60. SolUnesco and One Energy Renewables are developing a 76.8 MW DC, 60 MW AC (243,751 320W panels) solar farm located in Brink, Virginia, Greensville County. The system will be a ground mounted array covering four parcels of about 467 acres and will have an assumed point of interconnection at the 115 kV Brink-Trego transmission line located near the Brink Substation, Emporia District within the Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative service territory located approximately 1 mile away. An Option to Lease has been secured for the site from the property owners and three interconnection requests have been submitted to PJM (AB1-173, AB1-173A, AB2-031). The parcels are zoned A Agricultural District and rezoning will not be required, although Greensville County will require approval for a Special Use Permit. The parcel is contained within a Natural Resource Overlay District allowing for surface mining for minerals and is currently in the advanced stages of a reclamation process subsequent to these mining operations. Preliminary conversations with Greensville County Planning Director indicate support for Special Use Permit approval for this solar project.

NOTE:  A NOI was previously released for the project - See the Virginia Register of Regulations, Volume 32, Issue 2, September 21, 2015.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Mary Major 
Address: 629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, 23218
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4423    FAX: (804)698-4510    TDD: ()-