PURPOSE OF NOTICE: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking persons interested in participating in a representative stakeholder group for the purpose of making recommendations on the specific requirements for management of the vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program utilizing a program coordinator.
BACKGROUND: The State Air Pollution Control Board has established an emissions inspection program for motor vehicles registered in certain northern Virginia localities that, among other things, establishes limitations on emissions from motor vehicles and requirements for routine inspections to determine compliance. During its 2012 session, the General Assembly passed legislation, Chapters 216 and 824 of the Acts of Assembly, which, among other things, direct the Department of Environmental Quality to gather a group of stakeholders with knowledge about the vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program to make recommendations on the specific requirements for management of the program utilizing a program coordinator. The Department of Environmental Quality is directed to report those recommendations to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Transportation Committees by no later than November 1, 2012.
INTERESTED-PERSONS LIST: The Department is establishing a group to develop recommendations on the specific requirements for management of the emissions inspection and maintenance program utilizing a program coordinator. Individuals interested in being on this group are asked to send their name, contact information, and credentials to the contact person listed below.