PURPOSE OF NOTICE: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) seeks public comment on the state’s response to the environmental aspects of a proposed runway realignment and extension in Middlesex County, Virginia.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: March 17, 2022 to April 8, 2022
TYPE OF RESPONSE: DEQ is conducting an environmental review of a proposed runway realignment and extension as a component of the airport’s License Modification Application submitted to the Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV).
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Middlesex County Board of Supervisors, owner and operator of the Hummel Field Airport (W75) requests the DOAV amend the licensed dimensions of the current Runway 1-19 from 2,167 feet long and 45 feet wide to 3,220 feet long and 50 feet wide. Hummel Field Airport is comprised of approximately 72 acres of land and includes several aircraft hangars and a
single asphalt runway, Runway 1-19, which is aligned roughly north-south. The airport is bounded by
Greys Point Road to the south and east, and Plainview Road to the west. The purpose of the project is to improve airport safety by constructing a runway that is fully compliant with DOAV’s current design criteria and will realign the runway to provide a configuration that does not require aircraft to take off and land over existing residences north of the airport. The proposed action (Alternative 1B) includes the realignment of the runway using the DOAV minimum requirements for licensing. The Proposed Action includes a 1,053-foot extension and realignment of the existing runway. The Proposed Action would realign the runway approximately 3.9 degrees northeast, providing a new approach from the north that is generally centered over the water. The new runway, still designated as Runway 1-19, would add turnarounds at each end. Based on a combination of FAA and DOAV design guidelines, the Proposed Action would provide a realigned runway that is 3,220 feet long and 50 feet wide. Additional activity associated with the runway realignment includes the demolition of approximately 12,146 square yards of asphalt from existing Runway 1-19, the acquisition of approximately 9.72 acres of property, construction of stormwater controls, and installation and temporary use of staging areas, haul roads, and sediment and erosion controls. The Proposed Action will allow the airport to meet the criteria for licensing set by the DOAV, improve safety, and support regional growth and development.
HOW A DECISION IS MADE: The DEQ Office of Environmental Impact Review coordinates the Commonwealth\'s response to the environmental information submitted for runway extensions. DEQ distributes the documents to appropriate state agencies, planning districts and localities for their review and comment. Upon consideration of all comments, DEQ prepares a single state response to DOAV, which must consider the environmental review conducted by DEQ prior to approving the airport’s License Modification Application.
HOW TO COMMENT: DEQ accepts comments from the public by hand-delivery, email or postal mail. The public is invited to comment in any of three ways:
1. Oral comments will be recorded by a certified court reporter during a Joint Public Hearing.
2. Written comments may be submitted anytime during the Hearing.
3. Written comments may be mailed, emailed or hand delivered to DEQ at the following address:
Ms. Janine Howard
Office of Environmental Impact Review
Department of Environmental Quality
1111 E. Main Street, 14th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
All written comments will be forwarded to the DOAV. All comments must include the name, address and telephone number of the person commenting and be received by DEQ within the comment period. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your entire comment–including your personal identifying information–may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
A copy of the environmental information is available at the following locations:
• Middlesex County Public Library, 150 Grace Ave, Urbanna, VA 23175
• Hummel Field Airport, 310 Plainview Road, Topping, VA 23169
• Middlesex County Administration, 877 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA 23149
• Department of Environmental Quality, 1111 E. Main Street, 14th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 (upon request)
A copy of the information is also available online at the following website: https://www.co.middlesex.va.us/217/Public-Hearing-and-Other-Notices.
PUBLIC HEARING: A Joint Public Hearing will be hosted by DEQ in conjunction with the DOAV for the purposes of compliance with State licensing requirements (Section 5.1-7 of the Code of Virginia). Anyone desiring to be heard in support of, or in opposition to, this proposed action may attend and have their comments considered by DEQ and DOAV. An informational open house will be held a half hour prior to the Joint Public Hearing.
The Joint Public Hearing/Informational Open House will be held as follows:
Date: March 30, 2022
Time: Informational Open House between 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Public Hearing will begin at 6 p.m.
Location: Board Meeting Room
Middlesex County Historic Courthouse
865 General Puller Highway
Saluda, VA
INFORMATION: Janine Howard, DEQ Central Office, Office of Environmental Impact Review, 804-659-1916 or Janine.Howard@deq.virginia.gov.
Name / Title: | Janine Howard |
Address: |
1111 E Main St, 14th Floor Richmond , 23219 |
Email Address: | janine.howard@deq.virginia.gov |
Telephone: | (804)659-1916 FAX: ()- TDD: ()- |