Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
Guidance Document Information
Title Guidelines for Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Document ID Special Education
Summary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) provide unique challenges and opportunities for educators1 . With appropriate interventions students with ASD can progress along developmental levels. The increasing prevalence reported in public schools has created a call for educational assessments and practices that are uniquely suited for students with ASD, and a call for educators and service providers who are skilled at their selection and implementation. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource primarily for educators, but may also be helpful to parents, medical professionals and other providers when they are making informed choices about the education of students with ASD. While these Guidelines address students from infancy through early adulthood in the school setting, it is recognized that this is a lifelong proces
Effective Date 10/31/2010
pdf View document text     Posted On 10/29/2015                 Document on Town Hall

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