Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Guidance Document Information
Title Agricultural Stewardship Act Guidelines
Document ID 1743
Summary Provides an overview of the ASA program, handling of ASA complaints and investigations, appeals and conferences, sources of assistance, violations and penalties, and in-governmental cooperation.
Effective Date 9/12/2024
pdf View document text     Posted On 9/12/2024                 Document on Town Hall
Explanation or Citations Section 3.2-408 directs the Commissioner to develop guidelines for the implementation of the Agricultural Stewardship Act.

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[2 VAC 5] Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Public Comment Forums / Change History
Proposed Change Register Date Status
The agency proposes to remove the copy of the Agricultural Stewardship Act and the Soil and Water Conservation District Policy for Handling Agricultural Stewardship Act Complaints from the Agricultural Stewardship Act Guidelines. 8/12/2024 Forum ended on 9/11/2024 with 0 Comments.
Revisions to the Agricultural Stewardship Act Guidelines include minor procedural changes incorporated since the last revision in 2010, deleting outdated forms, and the addition of a Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Policy for Handling Agricultural Stewardship Act (ASA) Complaints that is.... 10/10/2022 Forum ended on 11/9/2022 with 0 Comments.

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