Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program [12 VAC 35 ‑ 230]
Action Amendments to establish criteria and annual funding priorities through the Annual Funding Program Guidelines and ensure public input.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/26/2024


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2/26/24  5:30 pm
Commenter: Mike Rupar

Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program [12 VAC 35 ? 230]

I am concerned that we're asked to vote "yes" on criteria that has not been approved or evidently decided yet.   Therefore, I am against this change.  Adding "criteria for participation" requires a third party to assess value for submissions, which takes time, adjudication, and picking winners and losers.  this adds time to the process, and greater costs which likely have to come out of the program itself.

has there been an outcry for this change?  I'd suggest that if current criteria for participation is in need of correction, then the application process should be evaluated and then changed.  the first-come, first-served method has the advantage of lower bureaucratic overhead.   And it appears to be working fine.

Even if the application process needs to change, the new process and weighing factors need to be presented for comment, rather than the open ended amendment currently proposed.

thank you for the opportunity to comment.

CommentID: 222228

2/26/24  7:39 pm
Commenter: Brian Kaman

Appeal process

Hello.  I'd like to submit a comment about the appeal process.  I was denied funding for IFSP and told to submit an appeal if I wanted to do so.

I took the time to submit an appeal and received an email that funds had been exhausted, which is the same reason that I was given initially.  It seems like the appeals process is not really an appeal as no further reason was given.  I was induced into taking the time to submit an appeal when the agency had no real intention of reviewing my appeal.

Please don't offer an appeal process if there isn't really an appeal review.



CommentID: 222230

2/26/24  9:42 pm
Commenter: Al Carroll

The Program Is Without Enough Providers and Incredibly Slow

We were on the waiting list for a provider to help our son for literally years. Over two years, and one has yet to come through.

We have finally given up in frustration. I'm sure there are many stories like ours.

CommentID: 222231

2/27/24  6:43 am
Commenter: Cynthia White


Changing the criteria from a first come first served basis to a need based will get more individuals the supports they need to use the funding.  The funding should be made available throughout the year especially for the use of respite care. 

CommentID: 222232

2/27/24  10:15 am
Commenter: Mary C Hendrickson

NEEDED Day Care Facility Programs for adults 18 on up.

♦?It has been a challenge to find qualified Day Care Facility Programs in the Virginia Beach area. I have found only one however it’s a small facility called “Indigo”.                           They would need to hire more qualified staff to take on more young adults that fall between high functioning but do not qualify through the state to work. 
♦?My son had attended 3 Facilities prior that were horribly run by individuals that want easy adults but do not have the activities that provide sensory stimulation, promote group conversations and assist in teaching them how to be productive in the community. In my opinion those generic facilities are just milking the Medicare Waver.  And thus my son was very upsetting and left my son traumatized. Those experiences left a fearful impression that different races where not a positive. This is Not how I grew up from a military household, moving around the US every 2-3 years. I learned that all races are uniquely different and therein lies the beauty of a diversified world. 
♦?We need more Providers that have Day Care Facilities for the Autism Spectrum of young adults & other high functioning individuals especially those individuals transitioning out of High School. 
As we know as Patents and have been through the LONG Waiting List on the DD Waiver to get services.
♦?We need to have a more solid approach & more options of Quality Providers to choose from to help these young individuals thrive and have a sense of being productive in their communities and increases their desire to keep learning once they have finished High School and are ready to transition. 
♦?A Transition Program needs to be enacted through Congress  in the Virginia Beach area. 
♦?Parents were promised from High School Teachers & Staff of all the options that were available once our kids have graduated HS. However the Funding & Laws have changed so much that once my son was ready to transition to a work program he was denied the “Right to Work” because of his Seizures. That it would require an assistant near by to keep him on task and or assist in the onset of a siezure. Seizures can be very common in individuals on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder ASD that can manifest at any age.

♦?My son has wanted to be a Farmer since he was 7 years old. Now at 23 How can Can We make this happen?  
♦?There was in 2004 and still is Now a large population of kids, young adults and older on the ASD Spectrum.

♦?Many of them are from military families.

♦?It was my understanding back in 2010 that if a Military Service member had a Special Needs Child the military would send them to San Diego California or Virginia Beach.  
And the Military was to provide more Funding for their children to the State of Virginia.
♦?Congress and the State of Virginia has Not provided that funding and have never been renforced to do so.

♦?Not all families in Virginia Beach are Military. 

♦?We need to pressure our now Democrat Senate & House in the State of Virginia to immediately start to implement this Funding from the Military to provide financial support for their own Servicemembers children.

♦?Then the DD Waiver Services Long Waiting List would move Much Faster in getting our kids the help they deserve & need to be functioning, productive & have an overall sense that THEY can achieve their desired career and be a huge part of their Community. They are valuable Human Beings Too!
♦?WE NEED TO RESTRUCTURE THIS PROBLEM and as Most Mom & Dads with Special Needs children and adults are STILL struggling. 

Thank you for reading, 

Mary C Hendrickson 




CommentID: 222233

2/27/24  12:18 pm
Commenter: Zain Khan

development and behavioral health Serivices waiver program


I have applied for my son in the waiver program for development and behavioral health services for over two years. As a concerned mother, I am struggling to find a suitable program for my autistic son who enjoys school and playing outside with his classmates. Since his school ended, he has been feeling down at home due to the disruption in his routine, leading to mood swings and emotional distress. I am looking to explore other options to support my son and get his routine back on track.


Rashida Khan

CommentID: 222234

2/27/24  1:17 pm
Commenter: Mary Clark

Use of the Funding

I do not think that the regulations should require that the funds only be used for the specific things that are requested in the application.  The process is complicated and, to my knowledge, there is no process to make changes to the application request throughout the year.  Families are asked to predict needs for the future year which may or may not materialize.  That does not mean that they do not need the funds to help the individuals with DD.  For example, the family may request funds to enable the individual with DD to attend a specific recreational program in the Spring or Summer, but that program may not be available, or there may be other challenges that come up making attendance impossible.  Other more important and critical needs may emerge which will better support the individual's ability to remain in the home.  The program should allow for flexibility.  As long as the funds are spent for items or on needs that are among those allow under the program, there should be no problem and no need for cumbersome paperwork to amend an application.  There should be no need to justify a change which benefits the individual and the family when funds are spent on items or services allowed under the program. 

CommentID: 222235

2/27/24  8:03 pm
Commenter: Andrea Crockett

Virginia...such a wealthy state with no real intent to help it's families and disabled citizens

Our son has been on the wait-list for a few years now. He is priority but since he has us , we are told he really isn't priority. He would have been on it for over 10 yrs if it wasn't for the state's requirement for a psychologist to label him mentally retarded. Wasn't that a hurdle after the fact ( several evaluations during his early school years and not one Psychologist used that term specifically). He is severe ... totally care dependent, non verbal, non ambulatory, and seizures all day, every day. He ages out of public schools in May. We both need to work to make ends meet and we don't know who or how that will happen. With so much taken in taxes by the state ...income, no tax breaks on our property  nor on our adapted van to transport him still we get no real help for him nor us as aged caregivers. There has been budget surpluses and yet the slots are so very few and the wait lists getting longer and longer. I guess when caring for him disables or kills us then he may be really a priority then?! Let's think preventative and not reactive. Legislation speaks of helping families but as one can look at the stats it is all talk. Will our comments be read?     Please listen to the families in need.

CommentID: 222236

2/28/24  1:56 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Protect Funds for the Most Vulnerable

In the past 3 years alone, cumulative inflation is over 20%.  This represents a real burden to families caring for a disabled loved one.  The wait time for aid in Virginia is years -- actually more than a decade for most people on the wait list.  The unfortunate reality is that most disabled individuals in-need will not receive state support, all while our economy flourishes and the Northern Virginia region ranks among the wealthiest locations in the country.  More needs to be done to ensure every qualified family/disabled individual is provided some form of assistance.  But, above and beyond, the most pressing matter today and for the next decade -- will be making sure that every legislator, executive, and administrator of this state works tirelessly to ensure that state funds are not diverted from disabled citizens to pay for illegal immigrants.  Under no circumstances should state funds be drained to support those flooding in from around the world.  Because those who will be left out will most certainly be the disabled population who cannot advocate for themselves. 

CommentID: 222239

2/28/24  4:11 pm
Commenter: Steven R Jones

IFSP funding criteria - Fund the 16,000+ Waiting List

In regard to changes to the IFSP funding criteria, the Commonwealth of Virginia should take a heard look at this system and say why do we have this “band aid” funding when the priority should be to get all 16,000 individuals off the waitlist and provide the services they need to have productive lives.  Instead, the state created this tiny funding for severely impacted individuals to receive a sliver of the funds the Commonwealth should be providing.  Should the IFSP funding method be changed? Yes. Ideally it should be completely eliminated with the Commonwealth providing the needed and necessary funding for every individual in need. 


My daughter has been on the wait list for a DD waiver (currently on CCC+ waiver) well into the second decade.  Is the IFSP funding better than nothing, marginally yes.  However, it does nothing to solve our assist my daughter (27) to improve her quality of life or her interactions with the outside world.  Instead as a result, my wife (63) and myself (64) and the primary caregivers.  We have a modest income and are currently in good health for our age. 


However, how long does the Commonwealth expect us to fulfill the role of untrained and aging care providers? All at the expense of services that could enrich our daughter’s life.  At the rate the Commonwealth is making progress (despite being found guilty of underfunding services for its most vulnerable population and now operating under a federal court order – that should not be removed) either one or both of us will die caring for our daughter before she receives services.  This is shameful for a state as wealthy as Virginia.  The Governor is promoting his tax breaks, building a sports complex for a Billionaire and playing silly social agenda games.  All of this instead of working to fund the services for over 16,000 citizens of the Commonwealth want and desperately need. 


Should the funding for the IFSP program be changed – Yes it should be eliminated as the DD and other waivers should be fully funded – So there would be no need for the IFSP.  Instead of fussing with the IFSP program, when will those in the administration work on the bigger problem of eliminating the waiting list for waivers in the Commonwealth?  Now that would be a move in the proper direction.  Don’t waste time on changing IFSP funding – Use the time to eliminate the need for this program!  

CommentID: 222240

2/29/24  7:43 pm
Commenter: Robin Mays

IFSP Funding

How long Virginia? How long will you continue to put the most vulnerable at the bottom of the funding list? Because of federal oversight Virginia has had to change their ways but Will failing miserably. With decent budget overages there is no excuse for not funding all children and adults in need for support on the DD Waiver. The pay for people to help these individuals at home and in the community is far below a living wage. Housing is horrid for this population and with current increases in the cost of living, no doubt it will get worse. 
Please step up and take care of what needs taking of now! 

CommentID: 222245

3/1/24  6:40 am
Commenter: Will Oldaker


As parents of a special needs child my wife and I understand and have always operated on the assumption that It is our responsibility to take care of him. That said It is a blessing to receive this type of funding and if the state is going to offer it it should be available to every family that needs it not first come first serve whoever gets their name in the hat first. I understand that there is always the concern for abuse of the system but in this instance I think it is best to help families first, make it easy to get that help and then take care of any regulatory issues. Let's default to funding everybody that needs it and fixing any broken parts that may arise later instead of making it harder on people who need it now because some legislators want to drag their feet on helping those most in need. Thank you for your time.

CommentID: 222246

3/1/24  10:26 am
Commenter: Catherine Shaffer

advocate to guide parents with challanges for their child

We moved here in May 2021. We have been trying to get our son involved with the services he needs. It has been very difficult to negotiate the system. And understand what I need to do. If an advocate could be appointed to assist in the process, that would be great. I am listing  Hope Enterprises in Williamsport, PA, because they, and their services were extremely helpful with parents like myself to navigate the red tape.

CommentID: 222247

3/23/24  2:14 pm
Commenter: Lana Ambler

Aging Parents and the Waiting List

Why was age of the parents removed from the criteria for the waiting lists?  My husband and I are 80 years old . We have been on the waiting list for years. Our child was priority one , but was removed to priority 2.  Virginia is an overly frugal state when it comes to helping people with disabilities.  The legislature has never cared to spend any surplus on the disability community.  The state each year seems to have generous rainy day funds that sit unused, some of which could be used for the waiver waiting list. Also, the state portions of the salaries that medicaid pays to workers in the agencies are woefully inadequate an should be raised.

CommentID: 222343

3/29/24  6:05 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

IFSP finding + DD waiver

VA - one of the wealthiest state, how long should people with disabilities wait to receive the basic services they need? You understand the struggles these citizens are going through every day only if you have loved ones who live with disability or if you are the one who is living with it. Please please …this should be a priority for everyone!

CommentID: 222442

3/29/24  9:29 pm
Commenter: Tamara Carter

IFSP funding and DD waiver waiting list

The IFSP first come first serve rule is absolutely ridiculous. 1,000$ is a joke for parents who care for a child with disabilities. The Day Support services that my daughter needs cost $150.00 - $365.00 a day! Both my husband and I work, but nobody can afford to pay this much for summer breaks and this 1,000.00$ will pay for only 3 days of care if you can even get the funds! Last year we did not get anything.

My husband and I are both basically nurses to our daughter. We are exhausted, there is no relief for caregivers unless the child has a DD waiver. It is a huge toll on our marriage, finances and mental health! Both my husband and I need to die or lose our sanity before my daughter can be awarded a DD waiver and receive the services that she desperately needs. In summer, she has nowhere to go. Regular summer camps where normal children socialize, make friends and live meaningful lives do not accept my daughter due to her extensive needs with daily activities. So she must stay at home and be depressed and isolated all summer. She aged out of regular daycare as well. So now my husband and I have to decide who will quit their job and stay home with my daughter. We have been on DD waiver waiting list for about 10 years, and I was just told by our case manager that there are homeless children and abused children who have priority and there is a very low chance that my daughter will get it. Are you serious?! Do I really need to become homeless or go insane and start abusing my child before she could get the services that she needs?! Virginia, you are a joke!

Being disabled in Virginia or caring for a loved one with disability means that you don't deserve or have the right to be happy and live good, productive, and fulfilling life. Hit the rock bottom and even then there is no guarantee to get help! What a shame!

CommentID: 222444

3/29/24  10:05 pm
Commenter: Tamara Carter

Get rid of the IFSP funds and give more DD waivers!

Get rid of the IFSP funds for people on the DD waiver waiting list and give more DD waiver slots instead! The $500.00 - 1,000.00 per family is like a tear in the ocean! It is a very silly way of handling funds and money! The community with disabled children will benefit more from more waiver slots than these bandages that a state puts on a gushing wound! I am just absolutely disgusted by Virginia, do better for families with children with disabilities! A state this wealthy does not take care of their vulnerable citizens! 

Day support services for a child with disabilities cost $9,000-20,000 per summer. What am I going to do with $500.00!!! I cannot even get that much sometimes. We did not get anything last year. 

CommentID: 222445