Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The 2020 Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 753 directing the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to develop guidance standards for social emotional learning (SEL) for all public students in grades Kindergarten through 12 in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Social Emotional Learning Standards were developed in collaboration with an SEL Advisory Committee, composed of educators, community leaders, agency personnel, and parents. The Virginia SEL Standards are aligned with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate and centered in equity. This intentional focus allows the Standards to explicitly teach the skills needed to be “life ready” and to create more equitable learning environments.
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5/25/21  4:10 pm
Commenter: School Psychologist


SEL happens every day in every classroom. It is impossible to not try and teach these skills alongside the content. Educators go into this field because they want to inspire children and help them in anyway they can. It's only natural that SEL happens everyday. These standards simply formally codify what is already happening. They also seek to expand upon the natural tendencies of our teachers. SEL teaches our students, perhaps, even more critical skills than any content class would. 

These standards are 100% on track and the right way to go. They are developmental in nature, and consider what skills we expect children to be at each age. 

Countless studies have been done that show the increase in academic gains and decrease in negative events simply with the addition of intentional SEL practices. This includes developing self-awareness of who you are and how you fit into society as whole. It is impossible to remove this aspect from SEL. Self-Awareness asks us to develop an understanding of what makes you unique and understanding and respecting that another person has had different life experiences that makes them different. SEL is not Critical Race Theory. 

For the people who are concerned with who will teach these standards, perhaps if we had the correct number of trained, certified mental health professionals (counselors, psychs, social workers) in our schools that would not be an issue. We can teach them. 

I would like to know how these standards will be measured and if proper consideration to children with disabilities who limit their ability to understand these areas has taken place. For example of one group impacted, our AUT children will need additional support in these areas.

CommentID: 98725