I am very thankful that Virginia Department of Education cares for all of our children, including those who are struggling with their gender identities. It is important that parents be allowed to speak into their children's lives and help guide them in these most difficult issues. Children often explore roles, gender and other roles, as they grow. It is part of learning who we are and how we fit in with our world. However, we must not throw common sense aside for being progressive. Somethings should go without saying: biological females and males should not share locker rooms or bathrooms. Students may not change their gender and names from one day to the next. Additionally, It is also unwise and unkind to assume that those who hold to traditional standards are bigoted and/or do not want the very best for youth dealing with these confusing issues, issues that have only become more confusing as we have smudged the lines of what it means to be male and female. Be extremely cautious before making widespread changes in policy. We can be respectful to all without endangering our children and families by normalizing the struggles of a few precious, but confused students.