VDOE as you know a teacher’s job is very difficult. It is totally discriminatory to take away the rights of teachers and other students by insisting that using the given name of a child instead of a name or pronoun a child chooses on any given day is harassment. To say the child’s name is not harassment or discrimination. People are not mind readers and most people do not photographic memories. Schools do not have the right to take away parents authority over their children. This is what is done in communist or socialist countries were no one is free. Many children are confused about their gender when they are young. Most outgrow the confusion naturally. Children do not need school personnel causing more confusion in their lives by going behind their parents back and teaching them about sexual identity. Gender identity is not subjective and to say it is only causes confusion in a child. How can parents who encourage their children to embrace their God-given sex be abuse or neglect? Parents want what is best for their children. They know their children better than any school personnel. To allow a child access to bathrooms or a locker room on any day based on the whim of the child’s sexual identity for that day takes away the other children’s right to privacy and will ultimately lead to sexual abuse. Parents should always be involved in any interrogation of their child by school officials. Parents have the God given right to know what their children are being taught. These ideas should never be school policies. These policies will inter with a teacher’s ability teach and educate the children. These policies will cause teachers and students unfair treatment by school official and administrators. None of these policies are good for our children or Virginia. They will do more harm than good even to the students they are supposed to help.