Action | Amend Parts I, II, and III of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations to address water quality and quantity and local stormwater management program criteria. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/21/2009 |
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My wife and I have lived in Washington for over 30 years. We regularly use the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay for boating and other reacreational activity. Stormwater runoff adversely affects the quality of both water bodies and damages the aesthetic and recreational value of these water bodies.
More importantly, stormwater runoff adversely affects the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries by carrying sediment and nutrients into these waters. Water quality standards are already being violated (exceeded) for sediment, nitrogen and phosphorous in most parts of the Chesapeake and its tributaries. This has been well documented by EPA and state monitoring programs. These exceedences in turn harm aquatic life, from the base of the food chain up through blue crabs, oysters and many fish species.
On May 12 President Obama issued an Executive Order, with strong support from Governor Kaine and other Bay area governors, declaring the Chesapeake Bay to be a "national treasure " and directing all federal and state agencies to take strong measures to protect and restore the water quality of the Bay and protect the fish and the watershed and ecosystem values which depend on its water quality. Adoption of strong, protective stormwater regulations is a critical part of this effort. Therefore I urge you to adopt and rigorously enforce stringent stormwater runoff control regulations.
Thankyou for your consideration.
Ridgway M. Hall, Jr.