Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board
Stormwater Management Regulations AS 9 VAC 25-870 [4 VAC 50 ‑ 60]
Action Amend Parts I, II, and III of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations to address water quality and quantity and local stormwater management program criteria.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/21/2009
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7/14/09  11:48 pm
Commenter: Rob Lanphear

Revise Part II of the Stormwater Regulations so they don't promote further sprawl

(Verbal comments I was unable to deliver at the 7/14 public hearing due to time constraints) 





Good evening.  Thank you for the opportunity to speak. My name is Rob Lanphear and I am a Richmond city resident, an avid hiker and a frequent user of the James River Park system.  Very briefly, I am here tonight to express my disapproval of the regulatory revisions as written.  Echoing several previous comments, I believe our state should have an interest in Transportation Oriented Development and a pedestrian oriented lifestyle made possible by dense infill development and redevelopment.  What better way is there to preserve the vast majority of our rural environment?  Since the proposed regulations require additional mitigation measures and/or space, the changes work against smart growth design principles.   When a real estate market is constrained, producers will allocate the lowest possible cost to each component of their product.  By making it more costly to develop closer to urban centers than in rural areas where land tends to be cheaper and more easily acquired, sprawl will increase.  


I also believe the additional requirements proposed in the regulations will put significant indirect pressure on an already fragile state economy through increased business and personal expenses.


I urge the Board to revise Part Two of the proposed Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations to address these concerns.


Thank you for your time.


Rob Lanphear

3709 Wakefield Road

Richmond, VA 23235


CommentID: 9287