Action | Reduce and Cap Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel Fired Electric Power Generating Facilities (Rev. C17) |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/9/2018 |
Dear Director Paylor and Members of the Air Pollution Control Board,
I remember attending an Air Quality Board meeting in Richmond a few years ago when I got into a discussion with three representatives form Dominium. They all denied the theory of man made climate change in such a way that it was clearly a company mantra they had learnt by heart.
Well, climate change is here and we can see the effects and we know that those impacts are going to get worse because not enough has been done in the past to cut emissions.
We can still do something now to prevent the ultimate potential horrors of climate change.
Yes, yes you will get lots of letters about protecting Virginians. Politics is local. But I want you to take action to protect my grandchildren. They live in Cornwall, England, a county surrounded on two sides by the sea. What happens in Virginia will have an effect on them. Please look after their interests and those of all the grandchildren around the world.
Thank you for your efforts to protect Virginia/the World’s citizens and our natural resources.
Peter Pennington