Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
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I cannot believe that this is happening in Virginia. We are free people living under the constitution , and now your trying to put limits on our secound ammendment rights. I have always been proud of our state but if this goes through I no longer will be. We are already seeing our children leave this state for these reasons. My son is a marine working for security at the base in Kuwait, for 7 years now and is ready to come back home with his wife and says he is not coming back to Va. because it has become too liberal in the way it makes laws and they don't feel it safe here anymore. Please consider what you are doing to the loyal people that were born and raised here , and not the translanted people from up north. We are your constituants.