I am a native resident Virginian and a Virginia certified practicing geologist. It is with concern for citizens of the Old Dominion and the future practice of the geological profession within her boundaries that I submit to you the following:
Now therefor, in consideration of the above existing conditions, I urge you to properly discharge the duty of your position and the responsibility entrusted to you by the Commonwealth by seeing to it that those statues within the VAC under your influence or authority are, at minimum, kept intact as current, or arguably strengthened in the near future to include provisions related to continuing education requirements and mandatory licensure (not voluntary certification) related to the practice of geology within the Old Dominion. This would be consistent with the precedent set by similar existing statutes pertaining to other regulated professions within the Commonwealth where highly specialized professional technical expertise is being applied to work, and the products of work, that so directly impact the public health, safety and welfare our citizens are entitled to under law.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven P. Pond, P.G.