I have been a PG in Virginia and other states for over 30 years and wanted to express my opinion that Professional Geologist licensure is an important aspect to doing work safely and professionally in the earth sciences, both in Virginia and elsewhere. I work for the world's leading engineering firm and we employ 1,000's of geologists to perform our geotechnical, geological engineering, and hydrogeological work. In hiring, promotions, proposals, and project assignments, we look to state professional licensure as an indicator of a candidate attaining a certain level of expertise in the field of geology. Not having VA geologist get licensure would handicap their ability to get jobs and perform rewarding and valuable work. In some (but not all) aspects of our work, state PG stamps are required, and also send a signal to our clients that we are using qualified staff. And even though I'm no longer living in Virginia, I maintain my PG certification because that state is where I took the PG test and achieved my first licensure. I have subsequently used that VA PG licensure to get PGs/LGs/RGs in a dozen other states that accepted the VA PG test results through comity/reciprocity. If VA abandoned the program, it is highly likely other states, who deem a PG important and valuable, would no longer accept my VA PG, requiring me to retake the PG exam.
Overall, PG certification provides the public, facility owners and state and federal regulators an assurance that the work is being done properly and professionally, to safeguard property and both human and environmental health. Please do not do away with this important program.