Regulations for the immunization of school children should be repealed. Parents have a God-given right under the Constitution to decide what if any substances are injected into their children's bodies. All parents in Virginia should have informed consent and be in charge of their family's medical decisions since where there is risk, there must be choice. The COVID-19 injection is particularly ineffective and risky to the health of our citizens and should never be mandated. The risks include heart inflammation such as myocarditis and pericarditis which can progress to cardiac arrhythmia and death. A vast variety of possible side effects exists for all vaccines. You can find them on product inserts, the CDC website, and the VAERS reports. The right to exemption, whether for medical, religious, or other should be honored. The way to protect the young in our state is to put the power back into the hands of parents now by repealing the regulations.