Please do not approve the Covid shot to be mandatory for school children. There have been numerous reports/studies lately showing that the shot does more damage than good for anyone who takes it. The CDC hasn't approved this for adults, so why should we force this on our children. And since the drug companies cannot be sued since this is still an experimental drug, taking it should be voluntary and not mandatory for anyone, but especially children. The decision on what medical treatment our children should receive belongs with the parents, not the government. Children rarely contract Covid and when they do, they rarely die from is, so there is no reason for them to receive the shot. The risks and damage to the child from the shot is much more severe than getting Covid itself; so when the 'cure' is more dangerous than the disease itself, then common sense says that children can deal with the disease without getting the shot.
Let the parents decide what is best for their children. Please keep government out of this personal decision.