Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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11/16/22  2:26 pm
Commenter: Sky

REPEAL! You should be trying to regain trust

The time has come to admit the mistake.  The ball has been dropped and doubling down on the errors is not the answer.  The government does not have the right to put my children at risk.  I am their protector and as their father, I always provide for them and care for them.  Look at the facts and devote this energy to fixing the mess you've created instead of pushing these ridiculous agendas.  Vaccinating our children for Covid-19 should be the least of the worries the public education system is facing right now.  Any sensible adult should be able to see the error in their ways and be big enough to admit it.  If you cannot be that then you need to step down and let the grownups in the room take over.  NO MORE MANDATES!  I think the majority of VA made this clear recently.  As I type this comment I'm getting a message from my son about a "lockout" at his school due to shots fired near the school.  This is exactly what I'm talking about.  FOCUS ON THE REAL PROBLEMS YOU'VE ALL CREATED!!!!!!!!

CommentID: 205499