Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians
Hearing Aid Specialists Regulations [18 VAC 80 ‑ 20]
General Review of Hearing Aid Specialists Regulations
Action 6303
General Information
Action Summary The Board for Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians (“the Board”) intends to undertake a general regulatory review of the Hearing Aid Specialists Regulations. The regulation provides for the licensure of Hearing Aid Specialists and Hearing Aid Specialists temporary permit holders. The goals of the action include: 1. Review of discretionary requirements imposed on regulated parties to determine whether such requirements impose burdens that are not necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; or are not necessary to effectively administer the licensure program, in accordance with the regulatory reduction goal of Executive Directive Number One (2022); 2. Review to ensure the regulation compliments current Virginia law and meets applicable federal requirements, if any; 3. Review to ensure the regulation is organized, clear, and understandable; and 4. Review to ensure the regulation provides minimal burdens on regulants while still protecting the public. In addition, the review will ensure the regulation reflects current DPOR procedures and policies, along with any other changes determined to be necessary and appropriate.
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project Yes  [7493]
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
10105 NOIRA Stage complete. Comment period ended 11/08/2023.
10668 Proposed DPB review in progress.
Contact Information
Name / Title: Kelley Smith  / Executive Director
Address: 9960 Mayland Drive
Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23233
Email Address:
Phone: (804)367-8590    FAX: (866)245-9693    TDD: ()-

This person is the primary contact for this board.