Action Summary | Requires coal mine permit boundary markers located on steep slopes above private dewllings or occupied buildings to be made of or marked with fluorescent or reflective paint. Requires persons conducting blasting operations on coal mines within 1,000 feet of a dwelling or occupied building to conduct seismic monitoring of the blasting. |
Chapters Affected | Only affects this chapter. |
Executive Branch Review | This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process. |
RIS Project | No project yet assigned to this action |
Associated Mandates | Coal Mine Permit Boundary Markers & Blasting |
New Periodic Review | This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review. |
Name / Title: | Michael Skiffington / Regulatory Coordinator |
Address: |
Department of Energy 1100 Bank Street, 8th Floor Richmond, VA 23219-3402 |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | (804)692-3212 FAX: (804)692-3237 TDD: (800)828-1120 |