Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Virginia Waste Management Board
Coal Combustion By-Product Regulations [9 VAC 20 ‑ 85]
Action Amendment 2 - Additional Restrictions on the Use and Placement of CCB
Comment Period Ended on 7/10/2009
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7/8/09  2:34 pm
Commenter: Mary Ann Moxon

Coal combustion byproducts

Our existing coal-burning plants in Virginia create a literal "mountain" of fly ash, not even considering what coal plants may yet be approved.

Why the York County Supervisors approved a 160 feet+ height of fly ash last year is still beyond my comprehension. They are still dealing with the aftereffects of storing it in underground pits for many years.

Please tightly regulate how and where fly ash can be stored. The heavy metals must not be allowed to migrate into our water or air.

CommentID: 9218