Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Periodic Reviews
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Periodic Review status of 19 chapters for the Department of State Police.
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secretariat Public Safety and Homeland Security
board Department of State Police

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
19 VAC 30-11 Public Participation Guidelines 9/20/2023
19 VAC 30-20 Motor Carrier Safety Regulations 12/1/2014
19 VAC 30-40 Standards and Specifications for the Stickers or Decals Used By Cities, Counties and Towns in Lieu of License Plates 12/3/2014
19 VAC 30-70 Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Rules and Regulations
19 VAC 30-80 Regulations Relating to Specifications of the Description to be Obtained By Pawnbrokers of Persons Pawning or Pledging Goods 12/3/2014
19 VAC 30-101 Regulations Governing Purchases of Handguns Within a 30-Day Period
19 VAC 30-115 Reporting and return of firearms confiscated or recovered by law-enforcement agencies 10/19/2023
19 VAC 30-130 Regulations Relating to Standards and Specifications for Warning Stickers or Decals for All-Terrain Vehicles 9/30/2014
19 VAC 30-140 Regulations Relating to Standards and Specifications for Back-Up Audible Alarm Signals 12/5/2014
19 VAC 30-150 Regulations Relating to Standards and Specifications for Overdimensional Warning Lights 9/30/2014
19 VAC 30-160 Regulations Relating to Standards and Specifications for the Safety Lights for Farm Tractors in Excess of 108 Inches in Width 9/30/2014
19 VAC 30-165 Regulations relating to standards and specifications for purple warning lights used by vehicles leading or escorting funeral processions 5/21/2024
19 VAC 30-170 Regulations Governing the Operation and Maintenance of the Sex Offender Registry 10/20/2023
19 VAC 30-180 Regulations Governing the Establishment and Maintenance of the Witness Protection Program 12/2/2014
19 VAC 30-190 Regulations Relating to the Issuance of Nonresident Concealed Handgun Carry Permits 12/1/2014
19 VAC 30-200 Approved Helmets for All-Terrain Vehicles and Mopeds 12/5/2014
19 VAC 30-220 Virginia Methamphetamine Precursor Information System 10/17/2023
19 VAC 30-230 Checks on Firearm Transfers to Dealers 10/20/2023
< 4 