Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Professional Boxing and Wrestling Event Regulations [18 VAC 120 ‑ 40]
Action Amendments to include general clarifying changes and restructuring of regulations
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/3/2006
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9/21/06  12:00 am
Commenter: BRIAN MOORE


To Whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in support of local independent wrestling promotions. It has been brought to my attention through the D.P.O.R. website that there are some considerable changes being proposed which could greatly affect the sport of professional wrestling in Virginia. I would like to encourage the state to reconsider several of the proposed changes in lieu of the fact that their implementation would have an adverse affect on the sport as well as the various non profit organizations which benefit by using professional wrestling as a fundraiser.

In the past four years as the head basketball coach at Twin Valley High School, located in Buchanan County Virginia, we have held several fundraisers. Each year our biggest fundraisers are the ones in which we promote a professional wrestling event. I am happy to say that the promoters that we have worked with, Rick O’Brien and Stan Lee, have been professional and extremely dedicated to helping our school or organization raise much needed funds. To date we have collected over $10,000 in gate receipts and concession sales. This method of fundraising is quick and efficient and it does not require the transportation and reselling of low profit items. The funds raised through the wrestling programs are eighty to ninety percent profitable and require little work on the part of our organization.  Without these funds we would not have been able to purchase new uniforms, new shoes and provide meals for our teams without finding an alternative fundraising source. I would also like to point out that the funds that we have raised from wrestling programs, exceed every other fundraising project combined. It is a true viable source of assistance for our basketball program.

I would also like to ask the state to consider the categorization of professional wrestling. Professional wrestling is a work and is considered sports entertainment. By asking the participants, promoters and bookers to adhere to boxing and MMA regulations is a misapplication of the rules. I suggest that the state give careful consideration to the upcoming proposals as well as those currently in place. I feel that it would be in the best interest of the state, professional wrestling and non-profit organizations if these considerations were made and adopted.

In addition to the categorization of professional wrestling, I would like to encourage the state to consider the financial burden that some of these new proposals would place on the promoters, wrestlers and non profit organizations that rely on their support. Throughout my years dealing with independent wrestling promoters I have not found a single one that operated totally for profit. Independent promoters are not getting rich by promoting professional wrestling. Nonetheless they are helping several non-profit organizations raise much needed funds. Some of the proposed changes would require several thousands of dollars in upgrades, upgrades that would cause many promoters to go out of business. Needless, to say if the promoters are not able to put on shows, then independent wrestlers will be without work, if they are without work non-profit organizations, which survive through these fundraisers, will have greater difficulty supporting themselves.

In closing I would like to remind the state that organizations such as the W.W.E.(World Wrestling Entertainment) is a FOR PROFIT business and although they do hold shows within the state, they are not involved in assisting a non-profit organization with a fundraiser. It is the independent promoter and the wrestlers on the independent scene who give their time and effort to do so. Please give independent wrestling, promoters, wrestlers, and non-profit organizations consideration before enacting these unnecessary changes.



Brian Moore

Head Basketball Coach

Twin Valley High School





p.s. I would like to add that while recently watching an episode of W.W.E. Raw, which took place in Virginia, I witnessed several rules violations by the W.W.E. During the course of the program wrestlers were allowed to fight in the crowd, wrestlers were permitted to bleed, allowed to perform without a license (the license information is readily available on the D.P.O.R. website), and a non licensed actor was permitted to take part in a segment in which he was attacked by another wrestler who also did not have a license. If the state of Virginia can turn a blind eye to the corporate giant that is W.W.E. and treat the program as sports entertainment, then why can’t the same consideration be given to independent promotions?

CommentID: 248