Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
Body-Piercing Regulations [18 VAC 41 ‑ 60]
Action Fee adjustment
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 1/7/2011
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12/14/10  12:15 am
Commenter: William A Barham (Owner of Skin Ink & Body Tattoo Studio)

Raising Fees To Meet Adiministrative Cost

I feel this is a tempory fix for a revolving permanent problem. Passing the cost on to the professional Iisensees, will occur over and over again , untill a permant fix is in place to cover to certain cost of administrative duties. In my opinion it would better serve the organization of Tattooing and Body Piercing organization by raising monies needed for admisitraive rising cost from the inside of the policies of the board, instead of continually asking the Lisensees to pay for this rising cost. For instance, instead of letting the cost of the Blood Born Patheogen Ceterficate, one of the most important, in my vision of the entire Lisencing Program, from FREE through the Virginia Red Cross Association, where the CPR, & STANDARD FIRST AID, cost 30 & 35 Dollars. Under the Alliance of Professional Tattooist, we pay considerably more and instead of just looking at a 25 minute film, which teaches almost nothing, at the APP, we spend a whole day, about a 5 hour film & lecture, buying a one time book (broshure) and taking a 1 to 1 1/2 hour test, 100 T/F question test with a passing grade of at least a 75. So much is learned thru this to make our profession much more safe and knowledgeable. This test could be given by any Epi Nurse at any county health department at a individual date and time, and the monies from this, in order to receive a Liscence from the Board could help pay for the rising cost of the adminstration.. This would help in 2 ways, make our profession more safe and knowledgeable , and instead of passing this cost on to the already liscenced group, a surplus of money could be raised in a productive way. Also it could be looked at , instead of every 2 year renewable liscence, it could be placed at a 5 year renewable liscence. The CPR & THE STANDARD FIRST AID,  does not change at a rate, necessary for a 2 year renewable. I'm sure most of the Liscenced Professionals would rather pay a higher renew fee and a say 100 dollars BBP fee , instead of , as it is now , thru the Red Cross, FREE, and only have to renew every 5 years. This whole program would make our Profession, more safe & knoweledgeable, while paying for the rising cost of the administrative duties. There are many ways this needed money could be raised on the inside of our profession, instead of asking us to pay for it with higher liscening fees.

CommentID: 14750