Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Forestry
Department of Forestry
Virginia State Forest Regulations [4 VAC 10 ‑ 30]
Action Amend Requirements for Carrying Handguns in State Forests
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/16/2010
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4/6/10  12:56 pm
Commenter: Darrel Greene

I wanted to comment on coneal and carry owners rights to bare arms in a forrest

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I will try and make it short and simple.

My rights to bare arms have been infringed for so long, most people are simply used to allowing it to happen.


I can't think of any reason a law abiding citizen with no criminal history would not be aloud to carry his weapon almost anywhere. I believe any laws that infringe on an Americans right to bare arms, is probably made by a politician who fears the people. I start to wonder why that is.

I am not the person who wants to take farm lands and property from people just to save a spotted owl. I believe what the Bible teaches me. We are to be good steuards of this earth. However the Politicians have used laws that "protect endangered species" to steal lands from citizens. They use it to fabricate a reason to out law fire arms.

The corruption has to stop. I hunt, I live on my own land, I own many many fire arms. However I am no threat, and I don't plan on killing any endagered species. However if a bear attacked me I would think its only common sense that I am alloud to defend myself. I would also think its common sense to allow a person who posses the coneal and carry permit to keep their arms concealed as to not attract undo attention to themselves.


Its not a crime to own a fire arm, even if the media and politicians want it to be. If people choose to be weak, and cowardly,  its no ones fault but their own.


Virginia is awesome. One of the best places to live in America! Lets keep to our common sense heritage and pass laws that protect my rights.

CommentID: 13885