Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Forestry
Department of Forestry
Virginia State Forest Regulations [4 VAC 10 ‑ 30]
Action Amend Requirements for Carrying Handguns in State Forests
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/16/2010
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2/19/10  10:34 pm
Commenter: Luther D. Loughridge III

I support the rule change. Recommend inclusion of Open Carry

Honorable Lawmaker,

I agree with the rule change to allow concealed carry in our State Forrests, but would like you to also allow open carry. The same responsibilities that are required when carrying concealed is mirrored with open carry. Considering that our state allows open carry, why would you make an execption in our State Forrests? Open carry, when in the woods is more comfortable than concealed carry for the armed citizen. And don't forget, the forrests are filled with sportsmen who are used to seeing firearms so they are not shocked when they encounter someone openly carrying a sidearm. As a Federal Law Enforcement officer, I consider everyone I meet to be armed. I am more comfortable when I can see it, it takes the guesswork out of where the firearm is being carried. For the unarmed citizen, they become more familar with the proper carry of firearms and their safety. In the end, it is a win, win for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to review and hear my comments.


Luther Loughridge

CommentID: 11363