Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Professional Boxing and Wrestling Event Regulations [18 VAC 120 ‑ 40]
Action Amendment to Professional Boxing and Wrestling Event Fees
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 12/17/2004
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11/15/04  12:00 am

The War Against Wrestling

Concerned Workers, Promoters, Fans:


As these last few days prior to the DPOR meeting come to a close, I want all of us to sit back and think about the gross injustice that is allegedly forthcoming.  In a few days, the fate of professional wrestling in the Commonwealth of Virginia will be decided.  What does this mean for us?  It means that either things will be status quo, or could possibly spell the end to independent wrestling in VA.  Since 1999, I have been working in VA, and doing what I love doing...........entertaining fans.  That's all this business is, entertainment; yet, we are being governed by rules that try to prove that professional wrestling is still a legitimately contested sport. 

It was recently told to me that the "wrestling" portion of the annual budget was used up for the fiscal year, but the "boxing" portion still had plenty of funds.  Let me pose a scenario to you.  On November 13, 2004, there were THREE licensed shows (that I know of) in VA.  One in Danville, VA, one in Fort Chiswell, VA, and one in the Richmond area.  With all but one of these shows, revenue was brought in by the state in the form of taxes.  Income that is supporting the "wrestling" budget.  When were three BOXING shows held on the same day in VA.  Or for that matter, three boxing shows in three months.  It seems to me that wrestling is doing whatever it can to support itself, while boxing is wallowing in the extra money that has been allocated to its budget. 

Everyone, what we have going on here is a ploy to remove professional wrestling from Virginia.  I strongly urge each and every one of you to stand up, make phone calls, let your voices be heard.  Let's not let this get our spirits down.  Let's keep our heads held high.  Let's band together and fight this battle that we are up against.  In closing, I want everyone to remember one thing..........we live in a COMMONWEALTH, which means ".......a state governed by the people."  Let's govern this state we live in.

Tommy Boothe
Licensed Professional Wrestler

CommentID: 102