Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting - Water Quality Study for the North Fork Rivanna River

Meeting Details
Date / Time 2/27/2019  1:00 pm
Location Greene County Cooperative Extension Office,
10013 Spotswood Trail,
Stanardsville, VA 22973 
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 3/19/2019   (116k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
For a full copy (including table) of this meeting notice, please copy and paste: This Technical Advisory Committee meeting will be open to the public and all are welcome. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting will be held at the same time and location on March 6, 2019. For more information, please contact staff person listed below. MEETING DESCRIPTION: A Technical Advisory Committee will hold a meeting to discuss the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for two segments of the North Fork Rivanna River and several of its tributaries. Discussions will include a review of sediment and phosphorous loading estimates from all pollutant sources in the watershed as well as allocation scenarios. These scenarios will demonstrate the pollutant reductions needed from different sources to meet water quality improvement goals. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and §62.1-44.19:7.C of the Code of Virginia requires DEQ to develop TMDLs for pollutants responsible for each impaired water contained in Virginia’s 303(d) TMDL Priority List and Report. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: The North Fork Rivanna River and several of its tributaries in Greene and Albemarle Counties have been placed on Virginia’s impaired waters list for failing to support the benthic water quality standard. This standard is intended to protect the aquatic life designated use, which states that all of the Commonwealth’s waterways will support a diverse and abundant population of aquatic life. This water quality study will include a benthic stressor analysis to determine the most likely pollutant(s) responsible for the impairments, and it will report on the sources of these pollutant(s) and recommend reductions to meet a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the impaired stream segments. A TMDL is the total amount of a pollutant a water body can contain and still meet water quality standards. To restore water quality in the North Fork Rivanna River and its tributaries, pollutant levels will need to be reduced to the TMDL amount. Through this process, Virginia agencies will partner with a Technical Advisory Committee made up of local stakeholders to identify sources of pollution impacting aquatic life in these waterways, and the reductions needed from these sources to meet the TMDL. For more information, please contact the staff person listed below.
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters

Contact Information
Name / Title: Nesha McRae 
Address: DEQ Valley Regional Office
P.O. Box 3000
Harrisonburg, 22801
Email Address:
Telephone: (540)574-7850    FAX: (540)574-7878    TDD: ()-