Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Corrections
State Board of Local and Regional Jails
Regulations for Human Subject Research [6 VAC 15 ‑ 26]
Action Amend 6VAC15-26 Regulations for Human Subject Research
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 12/21/2012


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11/15/12  2:55 pm
Commenter: Vinita Johnson

Amend 6VAC15-26 Regulations for human research subject

Hello, I am a former Correctional Officer.  I was consistantly a human research subject.  The stressor signal of bloating started happening to me without any control.  This was an embarrassing moment for me.  I brought plenty of over the counter medications.  Went to primary doctor visits and a specialist and nothing seem to help.  I thought it came from acid reflex, but this wasn't the case; this was a signal of stress.  For example:  skunks secretes a foul smell.  I believe I was a target because of my family planning and a dependence on public assistance (welfare).  Numberous of times I felt as if the paparazzi was following me.  AS A RIGHT, I WANTED THE LIST OF THE NUMBEROUS OF TIMES THAT I HAVE BEEN UNDER INVESTIGATION AS A HUMAN RESEARCH SUBJECT; that could be a form of harrassment and retaliation.  The human research subject could also be damaging to a person's reputation; that causes an adverse in a person's social, employment, etc.  The authorized and signed decision of a strategic plan for my life due to behavioral health issues to over throw my goings to a bright future was well planned.  The promises of rights of health, welfare, sound mind and financial standings has been tarnished.  Who is on my side?  This was not my strategic plan,  I wanted to work until I was 60 years old; not standing alone oppressed and wondering what the future holds for me.  Am I forever doomed on a black list of denial of benefits and education because on someone else's belief.  Refusal of employee burntout, refusal of preventing relapse and suicide prevention.  The benefits of working in a hostile environment out weighted the well-being for a human research subject.

CommentID: 24491

11/15/12  5:03 pm
Commenter: Vinita Johnson

Registered Public User

I am a registered public user.

CommentID: 24492