Task #7: Improve the collection and management of data about onsite sewage systems and private wells, including (i) creating a web-based reporting system for conventional onsite sewage system operation and maintenance, (ii) accepting applications and payments online, (iii) making onsite sewage system and private well records available online, (iv) creating a complete electronic record of all permitted onsite sewage systems and private wells in the Commonwealth, and (v) creating procedures for tracking Notices of Alleged Violations and corrective actions.
A new EH data management system is slated to be in place by January 1, 2019. The new system will include: a web-based reporting system for COSS; a method for accepting applications and payments online; a method for making onsite sewage and private well records available online; and tracking Notices of Alleged Violations and corrective actions. VDH has also instituted several pilot projects to develop a process for creating a complete inventory of onsite sewage systems and private wells and is making progress. OEHS has also created a new data management division which will assist in monitoring and implementing the new data system. The new system will likely have improved reporting capabilities.