Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for Licensure of Abortion Facilities [12 VAC 5 ‑ 412]
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6/19/14  7:08 pm
Commenter: Melissa Lux

regulations that harm the health of women and families

I'm sure I can't add any more substance to the overwhelmingly persuasive justifications.

These regulations MUST be repealed for the health of women and families. And for those who oppose birth control, I hope they are ready to adopt the babies their parents can't take care of. Want to limit the welfare state? Let women choose not to give birth to more who will be welfare dependent. Those who support these regulations should have to bear the enormous emotional and physical burdens of pregnancy, much less an unwanted one. And this all pertains to birth control, not necessarily abortion.

Want to lower the increasing portion of GDP going to health care? Let women have access to preventive health care.

Further--this law and its regulations have brought shame (not to mention laughter) on Virginia from across the country and indeed the world.

Make Virginia reasonable, if not humane.

CommentID: 32372