Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
As someone who is considered a “conservative” person, it might be surprising that I am opposed to this proposed amendment. However, I also feel strongly that our public school educators desire – and need – to prepare ALL students for an increasingly complex and diverse society. Educators are on the front lines with our students every day and keep abreast of literature that will have meaning and cause their students to think. Literature provides a way for students to think about and discuss difficult subjects in a safe environment. It can also open up communication with a parent as well. Since what literature might be considered “inappropriate” is a subjective issue, in a public school parents cannot be the ones to dictate what materials are deemed “appropriate”. A parent can have their student “opt out” if that particular parent is opposed to a book, but to go further in allowing parents to control school literature choices is not reasonable or in the best interest of our students.