Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development
Board of Housing and Community Development
Mandate 1017

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Uniform Statewide Building Code and Statewide Fire Prevention Code Locking and Barricade Provisions Related to School Safety
Purpose of legislation
Directs the Department of Housing and Community Development to convene stakeholders representing entities that enforce the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Statewide Fire Prevention Code and other law-enforcement organizations to develop proposals for changes to each such code for submission to the Board of Housing and Community Development. Such proposals shall have the goal of assisting in the provision of safety and security measures for the Commonwealth's public or private elementary and secondary schools and public or private institutions of higher education for active shooter or hostile threats. The review conducted by the stakeholders shall include the examination of (i) locking devices, (ii) barricade devices, and (iii) other safety measures that may be utilized in an active shooter or hostile threat situation that occurs in any classroom or other area where students are located for a finite period of time.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 723 (2019)
VAC chapters to be amended
13 vac 5 - 51 : Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code
13 vac 5 - 63 : Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 5252: Update the Uniform Statewide Building Code
Latest Stage: Final
Action 5253: Update the Statewide Fire Prevention Code
Latest Stage: Final
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