Charitable Gaming Regulations
[11 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
On this Action:
CLOSED Opened on 3/6/2017 and Ended on 5/5/2017

Comment Title | Commenter | |
electronic pull tab machines / private clubs | Brooke Selmer, Gloucester Moose Lodge 886 | 5/5/17 1:05 pm |
Past State President | Fraternal Order of Police | 5/5/17 1:36 pm |
Support for Proposed Amendment | Adam D. Chilton, Newmarket Entertainment LLC | 5/5/17 1:58 pm |
Change to Electronic Pull-tab Devices | Fraternal Order of Eagles #4315 | 5/5/17 2:04 pm |
We support the proposed Amendment | Joel Bridges - Danville Elks #227 | 5/5/17 11:43 pm |
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