Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Natural and Historic Resources
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Petition 426
Petition Information
Petition Title Petition for rulemaking to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission regarding Atlantic Menhaden, the Chesapeake Bay, and the reduction fishery
Date Filed 12/20/2024    [Transmittal Sheet]
Petitioner Chesapeake Legal Alliance and Southern Maryland Recreational Fishing Organization 
Petitioner's Request

A petition for rulemaking has been requested by the petitioners for the following:   1.Impose an immediate moratorium on reduction fishing for menhaden within the Chesapeake Bay, or in the alternative, reduce all purse seine fishing within the Chesapeake Bay to 10% of the current total allowable landings, thereby preserving the bait-fishery, to remain in place until completion and peer review of the ongoing ASMFC single-species and ecological reference point benchmark stock assessments.  2. Limit purse seine fishing in state waters to no more than 25% of Virginia's current total allowable landings (approximately 39,000 metric tons, of the 156,600 allotted to the reduction fishery), with the remaining harvest to be taken outside of Virginia waters (i.e., federal waters). This limit should remain in force until appropriate estimates of menhaden seasonal stocks within the Bay and a clear understanding of the effects of their removals are available. 3.Create a permanent 1-nautical mile purse seine exclusion zone along Virginia's entire shoreline to minimize localized depletion, user conflicts, habitat damage, and bycatch. 4.Formally request funds from the General Assembly to expand the VIMS Research Planning proposal to study the impacts of reduction fishing on the Bay ecosystem, with at least 50% of costs to be covered by the industry. 5.Require comprehensive monitoring and public reporting of the reduction fishery, including electronic reporting and vessel monitoring. 

Agency's Plan

The Virginia Marine Resources Commission is submitting notice of the petition for publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations and announcing a public comment period.  Following receipt of comments on the petition, the Commission will review the petition. 

Comment Period Began 1/13/2025    Ended 2/3/2025
Virginia Register Announcement Submitted on 12/20/2024
The Virginia Register of Regulations
Published on: 1/13/2025     Volume: 41  Issue: 11
Agency Decision Pending    

Contact Information
Name / Title: Zachary Widgeon  / Director of Communications
Address: 380 Fenwick Road
Building 96
Fort Monroe, 23651
Email Address:
Telephone: (757)414-0713    FAX: (757)247-2002    TDD: ()-