2/18/2019 12:31 pm Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations | VA.R. Document Number: R____-______ |
Virginia Register Publication Information
Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: | Charitable Gaming Board |
Regulatory Coordinator: | Erin Williams (804)786-7157 erin.williams@vdacs.virginia.gov |
Agency Contact: | Michael Menefee Program Mgr, Charitable and Regulatory Programs (804)786-3983 Michael.Menefee@vdacs.virginia.gov |
Contact Address: | Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 102 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219 |
Chapter Affected: | |
11 vac 15 - 40: | Charitable Gaming Regulations |
Statutory Authority: |
State: Section 18.2-340.15 of the Code of Virginia Federal: |
Date Petition Received | 02/18/2019 |
Petitioner | Nathan A. Freels, Powerhouse Gaming |
Petitioner requests that the Charitable Gaming Board amend Charitable Gaming Regulations
to allow "for the calculation of Use of Proceeds be adjusted such that electronic
pulltabs are calculated as 2% of the charitable gaming gross receipts specifically
realized from the use of electronic pulltabs."
Agency Plan
The Charitable Gaming Board will consider this request at its next scheduled meeting
following the public comment period. This meeting will occur on June 18, 2019.
Publication Date | 03/18/2019 (comment period will also begin on this date) |
Comment End Date | 04/07/2019 |