Petition Information | |
Petition Title | Water Quality Standards-Simpson Creek Tributaries |
Date Filed | 10/28/2003 |
Petitioner | Cowpasture River Preservation Association |
Petitioner's Request | Designate as an exceptional state surface water the Cowpasture River between its confluence in Bath County with the Bullpasture River and its confluence with the Jackson River in Botetourt County and Simpson Creek, including all named and unnamed tributaries, from its headwaters downstream to its confluence with the Cowpasture River in Alleghany County. |
Agency's Plan | The State Water Control Board will decide whether or not to move forward with the rulemaking at their first quarterly meeting of 2004. |
Comment Period | Began 2/9/2004 Ended 3/1/2004 0 comments |
Agency Decision | Initiate a regulatory change |
Response Date | 3/23/2004 |
Agency Decision Summary | The decsion made by the State Water Control Board at their meeting on June 17, 2004 to initiate rulemakings to amend the Water Quality Standards regulation to designate as Exceptional State Waters the mainstem of the Cowpasture River from the Bath County - Alleghany County line downsteam to its confluence with the Jackson River in Botetourt County and Simpson Creek and its tributaries and to include in the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action a request for comment on what would be the appropriate boundary designations for the Cowpasture River and Simpson Creek was based on a DEQ staff presentation on March 23, 2004 of: 1) a summary of comments received from potentially impacted localities and riparian landowners and the general public and 2) a summary of the findings from site visits to determine if the waterbodies met the eligibility criteria and a follow-up staff presentation on June 17, 2004 to advise the Board that staff had worked, as directed by the Board at their March 23 meeting, with the petitioner and the community to redefine the scope of the nomination. |
Associated regulatory action | Designation of Tributaries of Simpson Creek as an Exceptional State Water [Eff. Date September 11, 2007 - See October 1, 2007 Register) Latest Stage: Final |