Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to River Herring [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1260]
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8/27/24  4:27 pm
Commenter: Dave Gedra

Support of Hickory Shad Conservation Proposal

I support the Hickory Shad conservation proposal. Conserving hickory shad will help protect against overfishing of a species with a currently unknown population and an undetermined abundance needed for a self-sustaining stock. Overfishing of the Hickory Shad risks depletion of the stock and jeopardizes the continued availability of a recreational Hickory Shad fishery.  I very much have enjoyed the spring Hickory Shad fishing every spring on the Occoquan River near my house. I would like for today's youth and future generations to have the same opportunities to enjoy the annual rite of the spring Hickory Shad fishing on the Occoquan and other rivers in Virgina.  Thank you.

CommentID: 227459