No to adding the Covid 19 shots to the childhood immunization schedule of school children.
That is, unless your goal is to collapse the public schools by causing a mass exodus and diluting our population for your new world order being led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Between this “vaccine” that has cause so many deaths in the young and old alike, and has caused so many miscarriages and who knows how much future infertility, and the puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones your putting MINORS on, we will soon have no people left on this planet we call him, but that is your end goal, isn’t it? To eliminate those you cannot control.
So, We the People say no to adding a shot that doesn’t actually act as a vaccine. As in, it doesn’t actually immunize against Covid 19, it doesn’t prevent transmission, hasn’t be tested long enough like traditional vaccines that have actually eradicated harmful viruses. Do you think you have us all fooled? You do not!