These regulations fail to acknowledge the principle of informed consent, which includes the legal right to be fully and accurately informed about the benefits and risks of a medical intervention or pharmaceutical product, and the right to make a voluntary decision about whether to accept the risk for oneself or ones minor child. This has always been a standard in the medical field! The state should allow parents to decide which vaccines their child receives or does not receive. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
The right to a medical exemption and a religious exemption must be protected.
The state should not require vaccines for children taught at home.
Regulations requiring vaccinations for children taught at home are an overreach of the state’s authority and infringe on the rights of parents.
The COVID-19 vaccines should not be added to the vaccine schedule
There is now plenty of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with heart inflammation, clotting disorders and many other severe side effects. Myocarditis and pericarditis can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. There is also ample evidence that the shots do not prevent Covid or prevent transmission. Again, where this is risk there must be choice. This vaccine should remain voluntary.