Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Guidance Document Information
Title Implementation of VELAP Certification
Document ID LPR-SW-03-2012
Summary The Virginia Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (VELAP) became fully effective on January 1, 2012. Under this program, parties submitting data to the Department for compliance with statutory, regulatory, or pemitting requirements must use a VELAP certified laboratory for the analysis of the data submitted to the Department. This guidance is designed to broadly outline how the LP&R Division will implement VELAP.
Effective Date 3/27/2012
pdf View document text     Posted On 2/29/2024                 Document on Town Hall

This document applies to the following chapters
[9 VAC 20-60] Hazardous Waste Management Regulations
[9 VAC 20-81] Solid Waste Management Regulations
[9 VAC 20-121] Regulated Medical Waste Management Regulations
[9 VAC 20-160] Voluntary Remediation Regulations
[9 VAC 25-91] Facility and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Regulation
[9 VAC 25-580] Underground Storage Tanks: Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements

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