Action | Amend Alternative Discharging Sewage Treatment Regulations for Single Family Home Dwellings |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 12/16/2015 |
My concern, is that a waterfront homeowner like me should be allowed to have a conventional septic tank and drainfield on a waterfront site, or a discharging system, as long as the standards applied to my discharge meet, but not be required to be better than, the quality and composition of discharges allowed for municipal sewage treatment systems of a town or city. Effluent from my system should not be required, and I should not bear the virtual tax of the cost, of my having to unfairly treat and purify my discharge for the effect of diluting the contaminant levels in the water system that may result from discharges from larger multi-user waste water treatment systems which have less stringent requirements than for my discharging system. There should be equal protection under the law – and equal and fair requirements for all.